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who knows,, is it fake? No, it came from a federal ATM machine as a new unused bill in a group of 10...

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Q: Are 20 dollar bills with a totally green back rare?
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The dollar from which country is known as the green back?

The U.S. dollar is referred to as the 'green back' because the reverse side is printed in green.

What color is printed on back of five dollar bills?


What are the cicle of stars on the back of some 20 dollar bills?

It's to make it harder for crooks to counterfeit the bills.

What is the nickname of us dollar?

The 'buck' or the 'green back'

Do banks exchange big bills for small bills as in 100 one dollar bills for 5 twenty dollar bills?

Banks generally do not like to do this. It would be much wiser to deposit the $100 dollar bill and then go to the back of the que, withdraw it asking for as many $5 dollar bills as they have availbable. ___ Many banks now have a machine similar to an ATM which will change notes and/or coins to other denominations.

Why is the bald eagle shown on the back of dollar bills?

What bird is the symbol of the United States?

How much is a 1963 yellow back one dollar bill worth?

I have a yellow back 1963 Dollar as apparently others have. The serial number is J58119294C. If others have a serial number that fits this sequence maybe we can narrow the reason to a certain batch of bills produced. I am not satisfied with people who say its bleach or detergent since the bills are always on the reverse side and never bleeds through to the front. The opinion seems to be that it only affects the green that's why the back side yellows. Take a look at the front of a bill. There is green on that side as well and it is still green on my bill If you don't know the answer quit guessing. That does not help.

Whose pictures are on US currency?

Mostly dead presidents but also Alexander Hamilton and a rabble raiser Ben Franklin. On the 1 through 100 dollar bills who is on the face relates to what is on the back. Before 1956 each of these bills had a building on the back related to who was on the face. after 1956 the 2 dollar bills back changed to a bunch of people.

Which currency is popularly called green back?

American money is called greenbacks because most of the bills are green.

How much money should you keep at hand running your garage sale?

i would say about five 5 dollar bills, 5 10 dollar bills, 3 20 dolar bills, and about 2 50 dolar bills just incase and you could always run back in!

When did people start making dollar bills?

1885 was the year the first dollar bill was made. Back then the were called sliver certificate's. The first bills had pictures of George Washington, Martha Washington and early presidents.

What is on the back side of US hundred dollar bill?

The back of US $100 bills features a picture of Independence Hall, in Philadelphia.