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No, not at all, actually. First of all, an anorexic probably wouldn't eat a whole bagel at once. Even if you want to, if you're truly anorexic, you can't, trust me. Second of all, if it's just one day, then you're not considered anorexic, you just didn't eat much that day. It has to be something regular for it to be given the title anorexic. Besides, what lots of people don't realize is this: You aren't anorexic unless you're underweight. If you're normal weight, but you starve yourself, you are simply fasting, or starving yourself, until you're underweight.

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Q: You only eat a bagel in then you starve the rest of the day does that make you an anorexic?
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You can't. You can only get them the help they need.

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Are you anorexic if you only eat tea at the end of the day?

Anorexia is based on weight, not what you eat. But if you continue ONLY eating tea all day you probably will loose enough weight to be considered anorexic.

Are you anorexic if you eat one meal a day?

You're only anorexic ifyou have a morbid fear of becoming fatterfeel that you are fat even when your weight is below normal

What do you call someone who doesn't eat bread?

A person is anorexic when they don't like or eat food.These people may- *refuse to eat, or eat small amounts *eat only "safe" foods-foods low in calories and fat *play with their food or cut it up to make it look eaten *excercise constantly *Have serious medical problems and starve to death *Think's that they may become obiese and frequently visit the doctor which costs ALOT

Is sesame useful for uterus?

Only if your a sesame bagel toasted with cream cheese

How much does a pack of bagel cost?

$1.25 plus tax. If you want cream cheese, it is $0.50 more!

Is Zayn Malik anorexic?

No, Zayn Malik from One Direction is not anorexic its his religion (Muslim) That he only eats Bread and Drinks Water by the end of a month. He is totally fine :)

Will you become anorexic from eat fruits and veggies only I am Just wondering im tryin to chang my eatin habit but i was wounder if you could become anorexic from only eating fruit and veggs thanks?

No, being anorexic is not a diet it's an illness. It's when you stop eating because you believe your fat. I hope this answers your question.

Do you tell people that you are anorexic when you are?

Only if you want to and should also consult a doctor.