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Yes, but only from a reliable source, it is very fresh, you keep it well refrigerated and eat it shortly after you buy it. Meat used for carpaccio (or fish used for carpacciao/sushi) has to be carefully handled and stored for that reason; it has to be kept fresher and colder to reduce the change of bacterial buildup. Other types of meat/fish don't need quite the same care, simply because the assumption is that cooking them will kill most harmful microbes, which start growing on the outside anyway.

That said, because there's always some risk, it's not recommended for young children, elderly, pregnant women, and people with compromised immune systems.

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14y ago

I found this because I posted "If we never learned how to create fire, would our immune systems be stronger."

To answer your question, it depends. Was the meat fresh when you ate it and did it come from a well-known facility? Was it something you killed in the woods? Was it from some hole-in-the-wall restaurant in a China ghetto? I think the odds are in your favor given that ecoli and other bacteria scare is not a common occurrence if you got it from a grocery store. If was an animal from the woods, chances even better that it is not contaminated since it has not been processed.

That said, you take a higher risk when you roll the dice by eating raw meat if you don't know it's origins, even if it is fresh. Food should be cooked so that all parts of it reach about 350 degrees F but even that does not rule out the chance of getting sick, it does reduce the risk though. As related to my question, I think the human immune system has evolved since we discovered fire millions of years ago making it weaker because we are used to eating cooked foods.

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