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I really do not recommend it, although they may be able to live with them. The reason why putting guppies and a betta (Siamese fighting fish) together is not a good idea is because guppies have colourful long fins, just like those of a male betta. Therefore, the betta may flare and fight/bother the guppies. And for the betta, it will be very stressful as he will feel the need to constantly defend his territory from the guppies. However, I'm not saying it's not possible (just not a good idea) - if you have a big enough tank with lots of places to hide in, then you can try.

bettas are top dwellers and preffer to live with middle or bottom dwellers, things like plattys or shrimp. guppies are not only coloured like bettas but also top dwellers so may cause comfrontation.

yes and no. it depends on the size of the tank and the temperment of the betta. i have a betta in a 65 gallon tank with 6 guppies (3 females and 3 males), the males are pretty colourful, but he never bothers them and he never flares at them. he knowns they are in the tank as he has swam next to them.

of course it probably wouldn't work if you had a betta in a 5 gallon tank and you put in 20 guppies

if you put them into a tank with guppies which are not multi coloured they are fine, the female seems to be more aggresive towards them than the male

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13y ago
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15y ago

Chinese fighting fish cannot be in the same tank as tetras. These fish are supposed to be separated, unless one male, one female. Some tetra types can nip the fancy fins of the male Fighting fish, and there are some claims of fighting fish mistaking the bright colours of tetras for another fighting fish and attacking and killing them.

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16y ago

Do you mean saimese fighting fish? Yes they can, they need to be in a larger aquarium (at least 10 gallons) to give everyone enough space. In a community tank the fighting fish tend to hang out in a corner or near the plants. Also watch out, a fighting fish will bully small weak fish and in turn can be be beaten up by chichlids or larger tougher fish so pick fish like coreys or livebearers who are of comperable size.

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13y ago

yes it would not instantly but it would eventually,

i had a Siamese fighting fish and didn't believe that they did actually fight i put them together and the fighting fish killed my other fish he had all white spots from where my fighting fish had bitten him don't try it.

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6y ago

yes, as long as there's enough room to allow for the goldfish's growth and the temp is high enough for the betta, you should have no problems

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14y ago

Yes, but only fish that are the same size or smaller than them. * I have seen a Siamese Fighting Fish kill a Goldfish before. R.I.P. Goldie. *

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15y ago

Provided the fry are really small yes.

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Q: Can Siamese fighting fish be in a tank with tetras?
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i have a half gallon bowl for my betta fish and he has plenty of room

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Yes, you can just not have 2 male bettas together.

How big should aquarium be for Siamese fighting fish?

It could be a bowl but i would say an tank

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yes i leave the lip on the lid on the tank because it will jump out \

What nice fish an live in a 5 gal tank?

The only fish you can keep in a 5 gallon tank is one betta (Siamese fighting fish) on it's own as that is a very small tank.

Do Siamese fighting fish live in fresh or salt water?

They need a 5+ Gallon tank and you can only have one in the same tank.

Can neon tetras be in the same tank as a Siamese fighter fish?

2 Tetras = 2 gallons, 2 mollys = 6 gallons, 2 guppies = 2 gallons, 1 Betta = 3 gallons. Provided your tank holds a bit more than 15 gallons of water (about 20 gals) and your filter will handle the job, there is no reason I can think of that would stop you putting a Siamese Fighter (Betta splendens) in the tank with the fish species you mention.

I'm not sure what fish to get and I was thinking maybe a Siamese fighting fish a Gourami or an Angelfish and I was also thinking about getting a 10 gallon tank?

I would recommend either a Siamese fighting fish (betta) or a molly. Both are very easily taken care of, and are gorgeous to watch.