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I'm not sure except that as a 16 year old I experienced 120 large fish rot while smoking in a smoke house. The fish had been exposed to moonlight in a net that we set off shore. We processed the fish as we normally would - all went rotten. My grandfather had always told my Dad to keep all flounder covered in the sugar sack (out of the moonlight). My father called the New Zealand Ministry of Ag and Fish and they confirmed that moonlight can turn meat/fish rancid 3-4 times faster than sunlight. Must be the type of light waves reflected from the sun?

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Uncooked meat will go bad anytime you leave it 'out'.

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Q: Will uncooked meat go bad if it is left out?
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The general rule of thumb is 2 hours for meat.

Does refrigerated meat go bad?

not really just when you defrosting make sure you dont mix it with cooked and uncooked meat and dont defrost above room temperature

Will uncooked meat go bad if kept outside in the winter?

Sure! the bears, wolves, cougars, coyotes, racoons, rats, seagulls, crows, all birds of prey, and pet dogs ect will love it!

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The meat.

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Uncooked hamburger would spoil if you tried to store it for a month in a refrigerator, so it needs to go in the freezer.

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Bacteria can easily infest meat if it is left out too long at room temperature. The meat will spoil. Spoiled meat will usually be a grayish-pink color, and will feel slimy. It will also smell rancid or unpleasant. Do not eat spoiled meat, as it is dangerous to your health.

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Seasoning meat is no more "bad for you" than eating the meat itself. If you're concerned about healthy eating, look for meat with a low percentage of fat, and go easy on the salt when seasoning.

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Sausages, kebabs, burgers, pet mince and so on.

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It won't go bad for only one hour.

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if you left it out then yes

What is the difference between a refrigerator and a woman?

If you put meat in a woman, it won't go bad.