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No, they live together in large groups of even hundreds searching for food.

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Q: Will the female hermit crab hide from the male hermit crab?
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Does a female marine hermit crab need a male marine hermit crab to have babies?


How can you tell apart from a female crab and a male one and can you show pictures?

If you tip your hermit crab almost upside down, they will come out of their shell a little bit. If the hermit crab is a female, then they will have two little dots on each side of their insides, used for laying the eggs of the hermit crabs. If it is a male you will not find these dots.

What is a name of a male crab?

A male hermit crab is called a geomanta

Does a male hermit crab live longer than a female?


How tall is a hermit crab?

About 13 inches for a female and 6 for a male

Is your hermit crab a boy or a girl?

You can tell by looking underneath the third row of legs on your hermit crab. On a female Hermit crab, there are two small holes underneath the third row of legs. These holes are called "Gonopores". On a Male hermit crab there are no holes. To check-get your hermit crab out and hold it's shell up. Make sure the shell is facing towards the ceiling and the hermit crab's body is facing torwards the floor. while the hermit crab is dangling upsidown you are able to see underneath the legs where the gonopores might be. And remember: No gonopores=MALE.....gonopores=FEMALE Hope this helps! :)

Where are the 2 dots on a female hermit crab?

The 2 dots on a female hermit crab are called gonopores and they are where the male crab deposits his sperm in order to fertilize her eggs.

What do gonopores look on hermit crabs?

If your hermit crab will come far enough out of it's shell, you can see under its legs, if there's 2 small dots, your crab is a female, if there isn't then its a male. Hope this helps! :)

Can a hermit crab have a baby without a male?


Can a male hermit crab have babies?

No it can't

How do you tell male AND female hermit crab apart?

on a male horseshoe crab, the two front appendages look like boxing gloves. They use these to hold on to the female when they mate. on a female the two front appendages just look like regular claws

How can tell hermit crabs from male to female?

If you look at the underside of your crab, on it's last pair of walking legs under it's abdomen, a female will have a dot on each side, these dots are called nonporous. They are what determines whether or not you have a female or a male crab. its hard to tell if your hermit crab is a male or female when there in their shell the girls are most likely to be smaller in size than the male but never ever pull your hermit crab out of its shell to see if its a male or a female they probably would like to be pulled in half then give up its home