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Yes, but I've always heard not to salt the melon before taking the seeds for planting. Take the seeds, place them on paper towel to dry. Save and plant in spring; keep soil moist and they will sprout & grow.

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A Melon Grows on a vine.

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Q: Will seed from a fresh melon grow?
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How does the watermelon grow?

As it grows from a seed, the melon stays on the ground; it does not grow in to a tree or a bush.

How long does it take for a melon to grow in minecraft?

you put the one melon slice on the crafting table where it give you melon seeds and you take the melon seed put it in a grass block that has been hoed then just wait for it to grow. ps you need water for it to grow

Is a melon seed monocot or dicot?

A melon seed is a dicot because melon plants belong to the Cucurbitaceae family, which are dicotyledonous plants. This means that their seeds have two cotyledons or seed leaves.

What is the reason for the fear of melon seeds?

While melon seeds might be a choking hazard, it is most likely the fear stems from mythological stories told to explain the physical appearance of a late-term pregnant woman, i.e., "she swallowed a melon seed."Some people may think if they eat the seed they will grow a watermelon or melon inside of them, which is not possible.

Mango a melon?

No, a mango is not a melon. Melons do not grow on trees, they grow on vines. Mangos, on the other hand, do grow on trees.

What plant does water melon comes from?

A watermelon seed.

Where do you get melon seeds in minecraft?

Find a melon patch and crush it and it will give you melon seeds. Some times when you find a chest when mining under ground it will have random stuff in them and melon seed will sometimes be in there.

Which seed grows faster dry seed or fresh seed?

Fresh seeds generally have a higher moisture content than dry seeds, which can speed up the germination process and result in faster growth. Dry seeds may take longer to absorb enough water to initiate germination.

What tool do you use to plow dirt in mine craft?

A hoe. Use it on dirt to create farmland. After that place a seed and place water around it to grow melon or wheat LordusVenomus

What does a honeydew melon grow on?

A honeydew melon grows on a vine that sprawls along the ground. The vine produces flowers that eventually develop into the fruit we know as honeydew melon.

If you got a fresh olive seed picked from the tree from Italy could you grow it in Zambia?

Yes, I believe conditions are right for that.

Do Hami melon's grow in WA?

yes they do but it is rare