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yes they will my hen was sitting on eggs of hers that wernt fertilised. So i bought some eggs from a animal park and swaped the eggs over. They hatched out. Though she never realised they were a compleat differant bread than her.

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Yes, a broody hen will sit on any eggs, even if they're not her own.

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Q: Will one hen sit on another hens eggs?
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What breed hen will sit on there eggs?

Every single breed of hen (even mix) will sit on their eggs when they feel like they want chickens. One of the hens that brood alot are brahma hens.

How many hens to get 1000 eggs a day?

One hen lays one egg a day, so if you want 1,000 eggs in one day you would need 1,000 hens.

What products are supplied by hens?

Hens are chickens and they produce eggs. A hen can produce one egg every 23 to 25 hours. Sometimes, a hen will lay more than one egg per day. This can often confuse the hen raiser.

Do chickens carry their eggs after it is laid?

They are somewhat protective if they are just laying the egg, and will cackle to draw attention to themselves and away from the nest when they leave it, but after that, they are usually non-committal. However, if the hen is broody and is sitting in the nest to hatch the eggs she is much more protective.

If two hens lay two eggs in two days how many eggs will ten hens lay in ten days?

Chickens lay one egg every 28 hours (on average), so to get an average of two eggs per day you would need two hens. However, if you want to be assured of at least two eggs a day, you should probably have three hens. Also, when hens go through a molt and swap out their feathers, they stop laying eggs until their feathers have grown back in.

Will two different hens lay their eggs in the same place?

Most hens have a preference as to where they lay their eggs. If a broody hen takes over the communal nest then the other hens will find a new spot to lay. It is always a good idea in a small flock to provide alternate nesting boxes just for this reason. When one hen goes broody, the other hens do not go off laying. If you are missing eggs, it is quite likely that the brood hen is taking what she can find to her own clutch.

If one and a half hen lays one and a half eggs in a day and a half how long would three hens lay three eggs?

it will take one and a half day eg. if one hen lays one egg in one day. how long will two hens takes to lay two eggs? the answer is 1 day this question is really easy but the trick is that it has half on the question.

Chicken rooster that breeds hen has spurs and now is laying eggs?

Firstly, the bird will either be a hen or a rooster, just to clarify ;) Hens can have spurs, it is 'rare' however. Also, when you do not have a rooster in with a flock of hens, one hen will assume the dominant role of flock protector, or alpha hen. This means that her comb will grow larger and more red, and she might even begin to mount the other hens and/or crow. This does not mean she is a rooster, but she is simply filling in his place.

How long will a broody hen sit on eggs?

Broody hens do lay eggs. They actually lay one [1] egg every day or two.

One hen went broody and the other hens stopped laying why?

it could be that your hen is getting old and or is sick keep an eye on it and if she or he gets worse take to the vet. Another Possibility Hens like to lay in certain nests. If you have a small flock chances are they all lay eggs in the same nest. With the now broody hen occupying the nest and possibly being aggressive toward the other hens, they will need a new "favourite" nest to go to.

If 73 hens lay 73 dozen eggs in 73 days and if 37 hens eat 37kg of wheat in 37 days what weight of of wheat corresponds to one dozen eggs?

You only need one 'Of' in this Question and the answer is Your Mom!

Does it hurt a hen to lay an egg?

No. Most hens just walk away from the eggs they lay anyway. A broody hen who is instinctively tuned into hatching hers (and any other hens eggs she can steal) will get cranky about the loss of eggs but there is no sadness involved.