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Most dogs will absolutely eat chocolate if given the chance.

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Q: Will dogs eat chocolate even though it's not good for the them?
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It is not good for dogs - or most animals, for that matter - to eat chocolate.

Is dark chocolate harmful?

No. In fact, the antioxidants in dark chocolate are actually very good for you. Chocolate can be very dangerous for dogs and other pets, though.

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the dishonest boy ate his mothers chocolate cake even though there was chocolate frosting on his face

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They weren't bred to be sled dogs, even though they look like they are.

Can dogs eat sweets?

Most definitely not. Especially chocolate. Chocolate can be fatal to dogs and cats. Other sweets are not necessarily fatal but they are not good for dogs.

Why dogs cannot eat chocolate?

its not good for them and it makes them not feel good.

Can dogs ands cats eat chocolate?

NO. Chocolate contains a substance known as Theobromine.This is poisonous to dogs and cats. Different types of chocolate have different amounts of Theobromine. Do NOT feed dogs or cats chocolate.

Can you give your puppy ice cream?

Answer I wouldn't. But whatever you do, DON'T give a dog chocolate. It's poisonous to them. I wouldn't recommend it but once my dog ate a whole chocolate bunny and she was perfectly fine. But you shouldn't fine your dog mint chocolate chip ice cream even though its good.

Is Chocolate Pudding bad for dogs?

Yes all chocalate is bad for dogs.It has theobromine in it which dogs can not digest and it kills the heart.

Is why can't dogs eat chocolate a good project?

ya i guess

What kind of chocolate can kill a dog?

Chocolate isn NEVER good for dogs, but sometimes it's not bad enough to be noticed. The more cocoa the chocolate has, the darker it is, the more likely it is to be dangerous to dogs. Baker's chocolate is the most dangerous and Milk Chocolate/White chocolate the least dangerous.

Is it healthy enough for dogs to eat hot dogs?

Not really. A little piece here and there is ok, but hot dogs have too much sodium and other ingredients that aren't good for dogs, even though they seem to love them.