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no, they really like it. you should try it it's really funny.

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Q: Will chickens exploed if you sit on them?
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How long do the volcanoes exploed for?

it will exploed for two to three days

Why did the chickens sit on their eggs?

to keep them warm, because chickens are natural incubaters

Do chickens sit when a color light is turned on?

no they sit down and eat a pie! no they sit down and eat a pie!

Did Ann of cleves exploed?

No! She was divorced

What is Neptune mad out of?

it is mad when it gets exploed

Can black holes exploed?

No because that is not a word

Is a chemical meant to exploed with oxygen?


How does someone die in a telephone booth?

it will exploed

What do you do with pregnant chickens?

Chickens do not get pregnant. Rather, they become broody and sit on their nest of eggs for at least 21 days to hatch baby chicks.

Why do fireworks exploed on the 4 of July?

Because someone lit the fuse.

What happened to tuckers baby red vs blue?

it exploed in a spaceship

My head feels like it is going to exploed?

its just stress and anxiety it will pass gradually,,,,,