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it will because i did it.

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Q: Will a piece of candy melt in your hand?
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Related questions

How does hard candy melt?

The melting point of candy varies from one type to another. Sugar candy like lollipops require very high heat to melt. Chocolate candy can melt in your hand. If you have a specific type of candy in mind, please ask again.

Does rock candy melt in room temperature?

No. If it did then it would melt in your hand. Rock candy is made mostly of sucrose, which does not melt but breaks down at 367 degrees Fahrenheit.

Does rock candy melt in the sun?

yes it does. If it melts in your hand then I'm sure it will melt in the sun

Why do m and m melt I your mouth but not in your hand?

It melt in your mouth faster than your hand but the fact is it doesn't melt in you hand faster and is because of the outter cell of the m&m candy that cover it all over.

Does cotton candy melts faster than chocolate?

YES have you kept a piece of cotton candy in your mouth and watch it melt it take like 9 milliseconds

Holding a piece of ice in your hand makes your hand cold because of heat transfer by?

Conduction. Heat from your hand is transferred to the ice, causing the ice to melt and your hand to cool down.

Why does cotton candy melt in your mouth but not in your hand?

The reason cotton candy dissolves in your mouth begins with the manufacturing process. First the sugar was melted and heated then dried into tiny strands whrn the cotton candy is put in your mouth the sugar is being rewarmed by your saliva which causes it to melt!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Where is the second to last piece of candy on club penguin?

The piece of candy is at the plaza.

Where is the second piece of candy on Poptropica early Poptropica island?

There is no piece of candy.

Why do m and ms melt in you mouth and not in your hands?

M&M's are designed with a candy shell that prevents the chocolate inside from melting in your hand. The candy shell acts as a barrier to protect the chocolate from the heat of your hands, allowing the chocolate to only melt in your mouth where it is warmer.

Why do chocolates melt in a hand?

it melts in your hand because your hand has heat causing the chocolate to melt.

Does rock candy melt in water?

No. Rock candy dissolves in water, which is different from melting.