depends on how much % of veg is in the oil
it has to be a desile in order for it to run on veg. oil. the only problem i see with doing this is that its not good for short distances. the vehicle runs on the desile until the veg oil has reached a certain temp. then the vehicle starts burning the veg. oil. the vehicle still no matter what requires desile to start. it has to be a desile in order for it to run on veg. oil. the only problem i see with doing this is that its not good for short distances. the vehicle runs on the desile until the veg oil has reached a certain temp. then the vehicle starts burning the veg. oil. the vehicle still no matter what requires desile to start.
Olive Oil and Veg. Oil
veg waste and stone
In moderation it's mostly veg oil
Vegetable oil will solidify at low temps, lower than diesel. There are anti-gel products for diesel in really cold weather. Not sure if they would work for veg. oil.
yes you can. But if you do use it use it half less then the vegetale oil because canolio oil is more greasier than the vegetable.
non veg
yes, by some fast pyrolysis process you convert veg and animal oil to bio-oil, and the bio-oil distillation give a gasoline equivalent fraction. yes, by some fast pyrolysis process you convert veg and animal oil to bio-oil, and the bio-oil distillation give a gasoline equivalent fraction.
An Egg is not veg
It is non-veg. why b'coz it is the product of animal but not plant product.