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Unless your rooster is extremely choosey, yes, absolutely. Most roosters will be more than happy to mate with pretty much any breed of hen, unless the size difference is too great. However, in a big enough flock, most roosters will have favorites, and will usually (try to) mate with them a bit more than the others, though he will almost certainly mate with the other hens as well, unless there are just too many. In that case, it would be good to get a second rooster.

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13y ago

Yes you can cross two different types of chickens

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13y ago

Yes. Any breed of hen can mate with any breed of rooster.

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8y ago

Roosters will mate with any other chicken, or sometimes even similar (or not) sized creatures.

The chicks would likely be dark with leakage.

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Q: Will a buff orpington rooster mate with a white leghorn and what will the chick look like?
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How do you make a white leghorn chicken?

You allow a white leghorn hen to mate with a white leghorn rooster. The eggs produced by that hen are then incubated for 21 days and a chick emerges from the fertilized egg. That chick will grow to be a white leghorn chicken.

What does a leghorn rooster look like?

A Leghorn rooster is a large white bird with a red comb.

What is the prepositional phrase in this sentence the one with the zigzag comb is a White Leghorn rooster?

The prepositional phrase in the sentence is "with the zigzag comb," which provides additional information about the White Leghorn rooster.

What is the preposition in the sentence the one with the zigzag comb is a White Leghorn rooster?

"With the zigzag comb"

What is the prepositional phrase in the sentence The one with a zigzag comb is a White Leghorn rooster?

"With the zigzag comb"

What is the name of the dog in looney toons that always fights the rooster?

The looney tune rooster is Foghorn Leghorn... "i say boy" lol i raise leghorns as they lay very large white eggs, the only problem i have is they fly up over their very large fenced in area... oh well, they go back at night so all is well

Do female leghorn chickens make rooster like sounds?

Yes. Roosters have many different vocal sounds. A reassuring clucking sound is common for roosters to make.

How big are leghorn chickens?

The Leghorn is a chicken that originated in central Italy. There are 10 color varieties, of which the White Leghorn is the basis for the commercial white laying hen in the United States. The average weight for a rooster is between 5 & 6 pounds. The hen is between 4 & 5 pounds. They are considered medium-weight chickens.

What would chicks look like if rooster is white leghorn and hen a Rhode Island red?

a light red with males with lighter heads

What rooster can you breed to a white leghorn hen?

All roosters are males so they don't lay eggs this is true for any breed of poultry

How do you tell the sex of a white leghorn by looking at the chick?

the way i have used for years to sex a chick was to pick it up by just its head. If it fights its a rooster if it just struggles for a sec then just hangs its a hen for me its been 80% effective but as for looking i was told once if you raise the yellow fine hairs just above the tail on the back and see a small slit or opening its a hen and if not its a rooster, I have had some luck with that but i found it faster and accurate enough just picking them up by the head.

Does a Brown Leghorn lay more eggs than a White Leghorn?

Brown Versus White LeghornYes it does.