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The first thought is that one may have forgot to add baking powder, or not enough baking powder or the baking powder was bad. Baking powder is perishable. To test a batch, add 1 teaspoon to ½ cup hot water. If it doesn't bubble, throw it out.

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16y ago
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16y ago

The first thought is that one may have forgot to add baking powder, or not enough baking powder or the baking powder was bad. Baking powder is perishable. To test a batch, add 1 teaspoon to

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15y ago

A faulty recipe may be to blame, or perhaps old baking powder or baking soda. I would buy new leavening and try again!

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15y ago

Cake is made from batter not dough, which does not contain yeast, it does however expand when baking.

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14y ago

It may be from the baking powder ,, wrong measurment of the baking powder or it may be old or expired or something like that but mainly its the baking powder .

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14y ago

did you try using baking soda?

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12y ago

gravity defied its movement.

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12y ago

Your Mom, LOL XD XD :P

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Q: Why your cake does not rise?
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Does cake rise with flour?

yes without flour the cake wont rise.

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What happen to a cake when you forget to leaving agent?

the cake will NOT rise, stay flat.

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Is flapjack a cake?

Cakes rise when baked, whereas flapjacks do not. So, a flapjack is not a cake.

What happens to a cake if you forgot the baking soda?

If you forget to add baking soda to a cake recipe, the cake may not rise properly and can end up dense, flat, and with a tighter crumb. Baking soda is a leavening agent that helps the cake to rise by creating bubbles in the batter when it reacts with acid. Without it, the cake may not have the desired texture and may taste slightly off.

What does baking powder do to cake?

It either helps whatever you're baking rise or make whatever you're baking soft and fluffy.

Is cheesecake a pie or cake?

It comes under the heading of pie, because cakes rise, cheesecake does not.

What is the purpose of baking soda in the baking of a cake?

Not every recipe calls for baking soda, but for the ones that do it interacts with the flour to rise and expand the cookies or cake.

How much more can a cake rise with baking soda than a cake without baking soda?

A cake made with baking soda can rise more than a cake made without it because baking soda reacts with acid in the recipe to produce carbon dioxide gas, which creates bubbles in the batter, causing it to rise. On the other hand, a cake without baking soda may rely on other leavening agents like baking powder or beaten eggs to rise, but it may not rise as much as a cake with baking soda.

What makes a cake rise with baking powder?


What kind of gas causes a cake to rise?
