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Q: Why would forcing a crayfish to lay on its back lead to death?
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Do crayfish grow body parts back?

it just does its nature

Are crayfish verterbrate or invertrebrate?

Crayfish are crustacean which has a hard shell so htey are invertibrates. (No Back Bone or Spine.)

What is the best way to catch crayfish?

What my dad would do is close to shore take greasy bakon and line it up on the sides and in the back then it would come into the area and then it would be right there next to you and you could then grab it right there.

How do you attract a crayfish if it escapes from it's tank?

Chase it into a coffee mug. Then put it back in.

What is back flushing?

it refers to forcing fluid in the opposite direction from which it normally flows

Is the crayfish most vulnerable to its enemies from the dorsal or ventral side why?

The dorsal side is its back, and the ventral side is its 'stomach'. The crayfish is vulnerable on its soft underbelly - the ventral side.

How many appendage does a crayfish have?

I think from disecting a crayfish in my Biology class, that crayfish have 5 sets of different appendages. All in all, the crayfish we disected had 36 actual appendages. Appendages are areas on an animal that "stick out". Kind of like our arms and legs except crustaceans and other animals have more, and can grow them back if they are cut off. Like I said, total, our crayfish had 36 appendages from anterior to posterior. There are a total of 38 appendages, 19 on each side.

How do you get boys to like you back without forcing them?

Be your self for them,and if they don't like you for you there not the right guy!

How did businesses move on from the black death?

a lot of people died when the black death was around and a lot moved. well the people waited awhile to move back because they were scared that they would get the black death. but after the people moved back the businesses have been back to normal

Does a crab have a skeleton?

Lobsters do not have internal skeletons, but they do have external skeletons (exoskeleton), which are their shells.

How many maxillipeds do crayfish have?

I think from disecting a crayfish in my Biology class, that crayfish have 5 sets of different appendages. All in all, the crayfish we disected had 36 actual appendages. Appendages are areas on an animal that "stick out". Kind of like our arms and legs except crustaceans and other animals have more, and can grow them back if they are cut off. Like I said, total, our crayfish had 36 appendages from anterior to posterior. There are a total of 38 appendages, 19 on each side.

What happen if you broke a law in mesopotamia?

you would probably have to pay the people back