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Oven at 500 F , foods cook at 200 F if wet with water

Sweet potatoes are cured at maybe 105 F , at very high humidity .

for weeks ...If not cured , and you try to cook S' P' or Yams ,

you get nothing .

Many foods lose water , then cooking temperature goes up

and starch converts ,,flavor comes out !

From Cindyc40: I always pierce the skin of each sweet potato with a sharp knife and then wrap in aluminum foil. Place on baking sheet (as they can leak) and cook at 400F for about 1 1/2 to 2 hours. Sweet potatoes take at least 2 times to bake done than a regular russet potato.

From raDzer0: If you want them to cook a good bit quicker but keep the fresh from the oven (vs microwave) taste. Put them in the microwave for around 1minute per lb. It will per warm them internally and could cut 20-30minutes off the baking time without any change in taste.

because that's how its suppose to be

When making housemade potatoes (regular or sweet potato), blanch (par-cook) in a deep fryer or par-boil in water. Then deep fry or roast to finish. If you cook potatoes from raw, they take forever. This is much faster and they have a longer shelf life.


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They are being boiled for too long. A potato is cooked when a thin metal skewer, or a sharp knife, passes into the middle of it easily. Alternatively, it may be the type of potato - try steaming them instead. Raise them out of the water when boiling, so that don't sit in it and won't absorb water.

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