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I've heard that they can get depressed after being removed from their growout tanks. Floating the Betta with his siblings for ten minutes a day can help with the seperation. Also, perhaps more likely, he could have a little bug. If he doesn't eat and has clamped fins, check all levels in his water (Ph, ammonia, nitrite, nitrate, hardness) and make sure they're in acceptable ranges. Make any changes needed to the water. Watch for improvement and, if there is none, he might have an infection.

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Q: Why would a 1 month old Betta male fish sit at the bottom of the tank and is cleaned every week?
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How do you know if your betta fish is growing?

Use a ruler and check every month

Does a nine month old betta fish have any teeth?

A nine month old betta is already full grown, so yes.

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Laptops should be cleaned every month or the internal components will be damaged. -love Jesse herr

How many times do you have to clean a betta fish bowl in a month?

once i week

Where can you buy girl betta fish?

You can find some Albino Bettas at pet stores or wherever fish are sold. I found an Albino Betta at Petsmart but they might not always sell them there. You can check back there every month or so to see if they got new shipments.

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1 betta year is 20 human years ruoghly, 2 betta years is 40 human years 3 betta years 60 human years 4 successful betta years=80 in it

Does anyone have any experience with bettas and MiniBow Fish tanks?

Yes i have my betta in a MiniBow fish tank for over a month. It comes with a filter and a tank cover with a light. My betta seems really happy. If you are a newcomer to bettas, I would also recomend using the trial pack of water cleaner but do not use the fish food! Go to a nearby Petco or Petsmart and get Betta Bio gold it is a variety of food so your betta will love it. Finally, please clean your tank every 1-2 weeks

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there like betta fish they cant but sometimes they can mate in a month or year for a mateing season

Why did male betta fish stoped making bubbles?

They only make bubbles when they are in breeding condition and they can not be in breeding condition for ever. Provided you look after him properly he should come back into condition in a few weeks or a month or so. A Betta needs at least a 3 gallon tank with a permanently running cycled filter and at least 50% or its water changed every week.

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No there is not a prize every month on roblox...sadly

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