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Paraffin oil is a non-polar liquid.

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Q: Why won't paraffin oil dissolve in sodium chloride?
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Will calcium carbonate be dissolve in sodium chloride?

No, calcium carbonate is not soluble in sodium chloride. When calcium carbonate is mixed with sodium chloride in water, the calcium carbonate will remain as solid particles and not dissolve into the solution.

How do you obtain copper from a mixture of powered copper and sodium chloride?

Put the mixture in a beaker then add some water. Stir until the sodium chloride is completely dissolved. Filter the water to get copper oxide as your residue. Then strongly heat the water till it evaporates, to form crystals of sodium chloride.

Does barium chloride plus sodium chloride form a precipitate?

No, barium chloride and sodium chloride will not form a precipitate when mixed together as both salts are soluble in water.

How do you separate a mixture of sodium chloride and copper 2 chloride and how do you prove that you've separated it?

To separate the mixture of sodium chloride and copper (II) chloride, you can use water to dissolve the sodium chloride, as it is soluble, while the copper (II) chloride remains insoluble. After dissolving, you can filter the mixture to separate the solids (copper (II) chloride) from the liquid (sodium chloride solution). To prove that you have separated them, you can perform a simple test on the solid residue to confirm the presence of copper using a flame test or a chemical reagent like ammonia, which forms a characteristic blue color with copper ions.

How do you separate magnesium carbonate from a solution of magnesium carbonate and sodium carbonate?

You can separate magnesium carbonate from a solution of magnesium carbonate and sodium carbonate by adding a strong acid, such as hydrochloric acid, to the solution. This will convert the magnesium carbonate into magnesium chloride, which is soluble in water. The resulting magnesium chloride solution can be separated from the insoluble sodium carbonate by filtration.

What is formed when sodium chloride reacts with copper sulphate?

When sodium chloride reacts with copper sulfate, sodium sulfate and copper chloride are formed. This is a double displacement reaction where the cations and anions of the two compounds switch partners.

How do you separate ammonium chloride and sodium chloride?

The easiest way is to shake the bottles, NaCl wil move easily and NH4Cl wont move very easily when shaken.

Will Coca-Cola dissolve chicken?

no it wont dissolve for my science project it only molded

What will coke dissolve for science fair project?

It wont completely dissolve it but it will change the texture of the nail.

Does hot sauce dissolve in soup?

No, it wont "dissolve" it will get mixed into your soup giving it extra flavour.

What additional solute will not dissolve?

They wont disolve in nutin

Addition solute will not dissolve?

They wont disolve in nutin