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Q: Why will a salt water soak for 30 minutes help to rid fish fillets of their fishy taste?
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For someone who doesn't like fish sticks or tuna in a can what is the best kind of fish to eat?

it is a fish called crokers. crockers croak out of the water. they do not taste fishy at all.

Has anyone thawed chicken fillets in hot water and lived?

Absolutely not.

Where does something smells fishy come from?

When well water has a slightly fishy smell, it can mean the presence of choliform bacteria.

What does rivers smell like?

Salt water; fishy

Is it normal for a circumcised penis to smell fishy?

No it is not normal for any penis to smell fishy, Circumcised or not, simple daily cleaning even with just clear water, should prevent any "fishy smell."

Why is there a Swedish Fish on your shoulder?

You were playing Marco Polo ... Fishy out of water

If you don't drinks water?

You will die. then you will dehydreate and bye bye fishy!

What are the ratings and certificates for H2O Just Add Water - 2006 Something Fishy 1-5?

H2O Just Add Water - 2006 Something Fishy 1-5 is rated/received certificates of: Australia:G

When goods are transported by truck and water it is called?

Fishy Back according to the free Transportation Dictionary. The movement of loaded truck trailers by barge or ferry.

How do you remove bitter taste from lemon skin?

To remove the bitter taste from lemon skin, you can soak the lemon peels in cold water for about 30 minutes. Then, brush or scrub the outer layer gently to remove any bitterness. Another method is to blanch the lemon peels by boiling them in water for a few minutes and then refreshing them in cold water before using them in your recipes.

What does a river smell like?

Salt water; fishy

What does the water taste?

Water does not contain a certain taste or smell.