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Q: Why was ralgex cream taken off the market?
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No, it was for a few years but it is back and every bit as good as before.

Why were rolaids taken off market?

Rolaids were not taken off the market. The manufacturers who make rolaids, tylenol, etc. had a recall in their factory. Will be back in the market soon!

Why were rolaids taken off the market?

Rolaids were not taken off the market. The manufacturers who make rolaids, tylenol, etc. had a recall in their factory. Will be back in the market soon!

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no, xanax is not taken off the market. i still get a prescription every month.

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depends on the lender. There are some that will let you refi 1 day off market, but usually about 6 months off market.

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no not at all because it would be taken off of the market.

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It has not been taken off the market, and is used regularly .

What drugs starting with k was taken off the market?

Kitamine is probably what you're thinking of.

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On a selective basis, hospitol by hospitol

Was Meprogan Fortis taken off the market?

Yes, however generic versions are available separately.