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One day. Henry and John heinz his brother were down Mr. Peterson's house looking for tomatoes. They planned to steal them. They took a box and started loading up on Mr. Peterson's tomatoes.

As they were running away from the scene, mr. Peterson came outside and seen them both red handed. He started chasing them. As they were running, Bill dropped a tomato. Henry saw turned back and yelled to him "Get the tomato and catch up!!!" John ran back, went to grab the tomato and accidently stepped on it. But picked up the remains.

They got away safely and figured they didn't want to let the remains to go to waste. They ate it and it was actually good! They decided they'd name it based on the incident. So ketchup was born!

The End.

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because people that like spicy food made hot sauce that spicy people like

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Q: Why was ketchup invented?
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Who invented kechtup?

Henry John heinz invented ketchup in 1876.

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If you are talking about ketchup (or catsup), Henry John Heinz invented it.

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Who invented the squeezable ketchup bottles?

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Who created ketchup in German America?

No German made or invented ketchup. It came from China and was introduced by the British in the 1700's so it came with the colonist.

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Johann Denner invented the clarinet in 1690. Which is also the year ketchup was invented

Who sings ketchup on everything from so random?

I put ketchup on everything! Ketchup on everything! Ketchup, ketchup, ketchup, ketchup, ketchup on everything! In case it's not clear, I like ketchup. I have since I was a little pup, and that is why I wrote this song. Now here's a list of things I put ketchup on! Ketchup on salad, ketchup on toast, ketchup on potatoes, ketchup on pot roast, Ketchup on pudding, ketchup on biscotti, ketchup in the glove compartment when I'm riding shawty! Ketchup on string cheese, ketchup on waffles, ketchup on pickles, ketchup on falafel, ketchup alamode, ketchup on pie, ketchup is my entree with steak on the side! Ketchup on everything, ketchup on everything, ketchup, ketchup, ketchup, ketchup, ketchup on everything! Ketchup on everything, ketchup on everything, ketchup, ketchup, ketchup, ketchup, ketchup on everything! Ketchup on mustard, ketchup on mayo, ketchup on ketchup, I eat it everyday yo! Ketchup on my toothpaste, ketchup breath lingers! Ketchup on my chicken and my, lady fingers! Ketchup when it's cold, ketchup when I'm scooting, ketchup when it's hot and ketchup when it's tooting! Ketchup from squeeze bottles, ketchup from glass, ketchup in packets, you'll look like a blast! But when the ketchup won't come out, you don't have to scream and shout, Just tap three times on the back, tap tap tap! And get ready for your ketchupy snack, and if you still don't get it, You'll have to play ketchup, you'll have to play ketchup... We put ketchup on everything! Ketchup on everything! Ketchup, ketchup, ketchup, ketchup, ketchup on everything, ketchup on everything, ketchup on everything, (continues until it fades) (Laughing)

Where was the Heinz ketchup invented?

Sharpsburg, Pennsylvania is where H. J. Heinz originated in 1876 as "F & J Heinz". One of their first products was Heinz Tomato Ketchup.

Who was born October eleven 1844 in Pittsburgh PA and invented a new type of ketchup?

Henry John Heinz

Who invented the banana ketchup?

UFC Banana Catsup form the Philippines

Is ketchup masculine or feminine in French?

"ketchup" is masculine in French, "le ketchup". Examples: "Tu as du ketchup sur la joue." = "You have ketchup on the cheek." "Passe-moi le ketchup." = "Pass me the ketchup." "la bouteille de ketchup" = "the ketchup bottle"

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