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All breeds of roosters will fight.

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Q: Why two different breeds of roosters fight?
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Do roosters have 3 toes and 1 spur?

Roosters typically have 4 toes, including one backward-pointing toe used for gripping. While roosters have spurs, they usually have two, one on each leg. Spur size and development can vary among individuals and breeds.

What is a cockfight?

A cockfight is a blood sport between two roosters. They fight in a pit called a cockpit. Cockfights are illegal in the United States. taken from Wikipedia

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Is it unhealthy for two roosters to live side by side where they can see each other but live alone so that they won't fight and how do you make roosters stop fighting?

Make Roosters Stop FightingIf you let them run in the yard, they will fight it out until they figure out who the strongest rooster is. After that, they will keep their space and mioght fight every so often, but it will not be very serious. Keeping them close to each other where they can see each other but not fight may actuly increase their hostility toward each other.Trying to stop roosters from fighting is like trying to stop them from crowing. It can not really be done. The kindest thing is to rehome one of the roosters to someone with a group of hens so he can have his own territoryhey...i have been breeding chickens for years now and i find that a fare bit of friction between roosters depends on breeds and circumstances. i used to have two roosters...they hated each other from the moment they saw each other. while another two figured out the pecking order and got along the same pen...with shared hens. i currently have three roosters...they grew up together and are inseparable. so it can be done but it cannot be forced. there is nothing you can do, just keep an eye on them and see how they get on. PoultryTalk's Answer:I raise gamefowl and you cant stop them from fighting, its in their instinct even though people lie and say it isn't. Dont believe me, get a few young baby chicks and raise em on the yard. Do whatever you want and they will still fight. Laying type chickens are easier to keep together. But still on occasion will fight.

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No, they're two different breeds of dog.

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