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The spikes on a horseshoe crab protect it from being attacked.

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Q: Why there so many spikes on a horseshoe crab?
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What disadvantages do flatworms and horseshoe crab?

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IS a horseshoe crab a crustacean?

A horseshoe crab actually is not a Crustacean. Although it is a crab, it is part of the Subphyla Chelicerate because it has a very small set of appendages just above the mouth called Chelicerae. It is more similar to spiders and other Chelicerates than Crustaceans.

How many eggs can a horseshoe crab lay?

Well, Female crabs lay roughly 15-20 baby eggs. But sadly, many reptiles (including predator from Alien VS Predator) eat, and feast off these eggs and their insides. So about, 0 crabs survive due to the predators nommin' em,

How does a Horseshoe Crab protect itself?

The horseshoe crab protects it's self in the water by burrowing deep into the sand to hide. It also usues it's tail to scare away predators. The shell on top protects the fragile insides, on the underneath of the crab. However, if it is flipped over on it's back, it will use it's telson "tail" by digging it into the sand and flipping itself upright. On land the only way the horseshoe crab can protect itself it by staying right side up. If it is flipped over, it cannot flip itself upright on land, and his body parts will be exposed to predators such as birds, and other land crabs. So if you are walking along a beach and find a horseshoe crab on it's back, give it a hand and flip it over.It protects itself by removing the horseshoe on its feet and creating a layer of armor around it's body. The horseshoe gets damaged in the process and must be discarded but just like the starfish it can regrow it's horseshoes and once again walk safely on land.

Perhaps it's because they are so aristocratic what color is a horseshoe crab's blood?

Blue. it is used to treat diseases like leukemia.

What r some of the horseshoe crab's adaptations?

has five pairs of legs to move very fast ten eyes so it can see very well has a hard shell so wont get it eaten alive

Will hermit crabs eat catepillars?

I don't think so; that's also really mean to the caterpillar. If the caterpillar had spikes, it could hurt your crab or have poisons inside of it

Which animal chews its food with its leg?

One animal that chews its food with its legs is the horseshoe crab. It does not have teeth or jaws, so it uses its legs to "chew" the food, which then goes into its beak.

What problems do horseshoe crabs have?

their horseshoe crabs so everyone makes fun of them

How do you use horseshoe in a sentence?

The horseshoe had come off, so the farrier reattached it.

What are hermit crabs prey?

There are not many hermit crab predators. Their shells protect them. Man is the greatest threat to hermit crabs.

Are there pictures of Richard Spikes?

There are so many places where you can find pictures of Richard Spikes especially on the internet. He was an African-American engineer born in 1884 and died in 1992.