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Q: Why the result were the same or different in raw and boiled tissues?
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Two eggs at the same size are boiled at the same time but in different locations When opened the egg boiled in manila is fully cooked while in Baguio is half cooked?

Different altitudes effect the cooking process and the length things need to be cooked.

How are tissues and cells and organs related?

Cells are the smallest unit of life. Large groups of cells with the same purpose are called tissue, groups of tissue with the same purpose form organs, organs with similar purposes form systems and systems form organisms.

Does result and conclusion the same?

no,there different

What do you call a group of tissues that carry out the same function?

A group of tissues that carry out the same function is called an organ. Organs are made up of different types of tissues that work together to perform a specific function in the body.

Are soft boiled the same calories with hard boiled one?


After the water is boiled its mass stays the same yes or no?

After water has been boiled, its mass will stay the same.

How big is a boiled egg?

Then same size as the raw egg that was boiled.

What is an allotransplantation?

An allotransplantation is a transplantation of organs or tissues between genetically different individuals of the same species.

What makes organism?

Cells are the smallest things make an organism. Different cells have cells have different organelles. The same types of cells become tissues, tissues become organs, organs become organ systems, and organ systems become organisms. I hope this answered your question!

What are structures that develop from the same embryonic tissues but have different mature forms?

Homologous structures develop from the same embryonic tissue but mature into different forms in different species. An example is the pentadactyl limb in vertebrates, where the same bones form the wings of a bat, flippers of a whale, and arms of a human.

What are the conditions for cells in a tissue?

Cells making up a tissue must be of same kind. There are many different types of tissues in out body. Tissues combine to form an organ.