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The acid from the lemon will keep it from turning brown. It also works for apples!

It will make the Papaya taste sweeter......

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Q: Why squeeze lemon on papaya?
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Related questions

Why lemon is required for papaya?

Because other wise it will not be a papaya. It will be nothing without the lemon.

How do you know if lemons are good quality?

you squeeze the lemon and if its firm its just right and if you squeeze the lemon and its really squishy it is not the right one.

What are lemon squeeze triggers?

Lemon squeezers have a grip safety on the backstrap that is depressed when you squeeze the trigger to fire the gun. These guns are hammer less.

Can papaya and lemon cure pimples?

Yes they both cure pimples as the lemon has antibacterial properties and it helps to lighten pimple marks. Papaya is well-known in combating pimple causing bacteria.

How old is a smith and Wesson lemon squeeze 32 with serial number 241 343?

the lemon squeeze model was produced, I believe, in the early 1900's.

What is a lemon squeezer?

A gadget used to squeeze juice from a lemon, some include a gizzmo for filtering out the pips!

What kind of fruits cannot eat during period?

papaya and pineapple , lemon,

Can you give me an example of squeeze in a sentence?

Don't squeeze the lemon too hard or the juice will spill everywhere.

What is the purpose of a lemon squeezer?

The purpose of a lemon squeezer is to squeeze out the lemon to make lemon juice. It makes it much easier and faster to make lemon juice for everyone to enjoy.

Is squeeze lemon juice and water good for the liver?


What are the release dates for Are We There Yet - 2010 The Lemon Squeeze Episode 3-17?

Are We There Yet - 2010 The Lemon Squeeze Episode 3-17 was released on: USA: 9 October 2012

What are the 2 ways scientists can get citric acid?

1. Squeeze a lemon. 2. Squeeze a lime. 3. Squeeze an orange. 4. Squeeze a grapefruit. 5. By it from Sigma Chemical Company.