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You should change it because gum acually helps you focus. Well, not really gum. Chewing or sucking on something helps you focus. That is why people chew their hair when they are nerveous

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Q: Why should you change the gum rule in school?
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Click and drag the rule to the gum in the inventory.

Why should the rule about no gum in school be changed?

The rule about no gum in school may be reconsidered to allow for certain benefits, such as potentially improving focus and concentration among students. Additionally, it can be argued that allowing gum could promote better oral health by stimulating saliva production. Moreover, lifting the ban on gum may help students feel more comfortable and relaxed in the school environment.

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Why should you have gum in school or why should gum be band from school?

Having gum in school can help improve focus and reduce stress for some students. However, gum can also be a distraction, create a mess, and be disruptive if not disposed of properly. Ultimately, it depends on the school's policies and the impact gum chewing has on the learning environment.

Should chips be band in school?

no bubble gum should

Should gum be aloud in school?

heck yea!

Should gum be permited in school?

Most likely no.

Should you be able to chew gum in school?

Yes, kinestetic learners learn easier when chewing gum.

5 reasons why you should not chew gum in school?

it is distracting

Can you chew gum in class?

Chewing gum in class may violate a school rule. If the school doesn't forbid it, an individual teacher might. Even where gum is permittrd, most likely it won't be allowed in Band, Chorus, Orchestra, Foreign Language and any Science classes with labs.

Is chewing gum a chemical change?

no chewing gum is a physical change, because the gum itself does not change.

What are the consequences of school rules?

This really depends on the school district and the rule itself. It a student breaks a minor rule, such as chewing gum in class or talking too much, they may get detention or sent to the principal's office. If they break a larger rule, such as fighting or vandalism, they could be suspended or even expelled from school.