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It will be too full of wastes that may be harmful (ex. e. coli) and will not be able to absorb essential nutrients. It's tissues may burst and the whole organism may malfunction. It's just like hoarding. The more stuff you have, the less room there is in your house for the stuff you need. In organisms, the more wastes remaining in the body doesn't allow the body to function properly and have enough of the essentials.

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they can poison the body

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Q: Why should the body excrete its waste?
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How do Amoeba excrete waste?

Amoebas excrete waste through a process called exocytosis. This involves packaging waste materials into vesicles, which then fuse with the cell membrane, releasing the waste outside the cell.

What do you excrete?

Human beings excrete waste products such as urine and feces. Urine is produced by the kidneys to remove excess water and waste products from the body, while feces are formed in the intestines and expelled through the anus as a result of the digestion process.

When do you need to use the bathroom?

When your bladder is full, or when you need to excrete waste from your body.

Why do you need to excrete waste from your body?

Because if we didn't we would proberly explode

What is the difference between secrete and excrete in human anatomy?

Secrete refers to the process of releasing substances (such as hormones or enzymes) from cells into the body. Excrete, on the other hand, refers to the process of eliminating waste products (such as urine or feces) from the body. Essentially, secretion involves releasing useful substances, while excretion involves removing waste from the body.

What does the human body excrete?

for a more medical answer, your body excretes waste in many ways. * when you exhale, you excrete carbon dioxide * you excrete feces during a bowel movement * you excrete urea in your urine when you urinate * you excrete waste when you sweat I may be missing a few, however, I feel that this is more accurate than poo and wizz

How do Texas horned LIZARDS excrete waste?

They excrete faeces and uric acid from their cloaca.

What 3 things can we excrete?

We can excrete waste products through urine, feces, and sweat. These processes help remove toxins and regulate body functions.

Why do ferrets excrete?

Ferrets excrete to get rid of waste

How do you spell excrete?

The word meaning "elimination of body waste" is spelt as you have in the question.

Why do people wee?

People excrete waste because of the harmful substances in our body. It releases the "wee"

How do Pisces fish excrete waste?

Pisces fish excrete waste through their gills and kidneys. Waste products such as ammonia are released into the water through their gills, while the kidneys help filter out and excrete other waste materials.