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Salmon swim up stream to return to the streams where they were spawned so they can reproduce and start the next generation of salmon.

Answer2: In addition to the above comment, I read a very interesting article about the salmon. In order to breed many salmon species swim upstream, facing turbulent waters along the way. Instead of being overwhelmed by the rough water, these fish actually take advantage of it. The do not plough through chaotic water. Instead when swimming upstream, they conserve energy by using vortices, or miniature whirlpools , that form where the water flow is disturbed by rocks, branches, or other objects. As the vortices form on alternating sides of an object, the fish curve their bodies from side to side and glide between the pockets of turbulence. Some schools of fish use the vortices created by the fish swimming in front of them, effectively riding in their wake. The fish can take advantage of the turbulence created by their own bodies. Researchers hope to borrow from the salmon's efficient swimming style to harvest energy from slow-moving water. (from 12/10 Awake Magazine p. 25 on Jehovah's Witnesses official website)

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Q: Why salmon fish go against the stream?
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Where do salmon go on a salmon run?

To a bigger lake, stream, river, or pond (whichever the particular fish lives)

What do salmon and cod use when they go to a war?

Salmon and cod do not go to war, as they are fish and do not engage in warfare.

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What is the unique about salmon move to spawn?

Almost all Salmon swim back to the place they were born themselves to spawn. This requires them to undertake extremely long journey, right up to the stream source where they were born. For reaching there the salmon have to swim upstream ( against the flow of stream), which is quite exhausting for them. Additionally when the salmon swim back for spawning they are hunted enthusiastically by many carnivores like Bears etc. This results in death of many salmon during the journey. When the salmon leave ocean ( where they habit after becoming adults) to go back to freshwater streams to spawn the fish undergoes physical transformation to adapt itself from the saltwater to fresh water conditions. All Pacific ocean salmon die after spawning. Whereas the Atlantic Ocean salmon might return back to ocean after spawning to continue its lifecycle.

Do the ocean fish mix with the river fish?

Only the redneck ocean fish hang out with the river fish. Also Salmon and Trout when the go spawn.

Why do salmon like to live in fresh water streams?

Salmon like to live in the ocean. There is lots of food, and they can grow big and strong so as to be able to swim up their home stream to spawn. In fact, they can smell which stream is theirs, but only if the water is flowing fast enough to make them swim up it. So, salmon and steelhead trout are anadromous, that is, they go back to where they were born to spawn, but otherwise prefer to live in the ocean.

Why is Chinook salmon almost extinct?

They are almost extinct because of the stupid dams. The salmon have trouble getting over them.

What do salmon and cod use when they go to war?

They hire swordfish to be a part of their army. OR They use Fish Tanks. OR They attack each other with Fish Sticks.

Are salmon hatched from eggs?

Yes. The mother salmon lays eggs and the fish hatch. With Pacific salmon, the fish die just before the eggs hatch. With Atlantic salmon, the fish swim back to the ocean just before the eggs hatch.

Are salmon the only fish to go in freshwater and salt water?

no! The flat head goes in fresh water and salt water, so does the puffer fish... I think :)

How many calories are in salmon cakes?

One Fish cake(100g) contains approx. 195 kcal.

What kind of fish did the Coastal Indians eat?

Coastal Indians typically ate a variety of fish such as salmon, halibut, cod, and shellfish like clams and oysters. Their diet varied depending on the region and the specific resources available to them.