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salt, oil and vinegar are natural preservatives.

the word pickle comes from from the dutch word "pekel" which is old dutch for a salt solution in water, which was used te preserve everything from cucumber(or pickles) to meat.

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Q: Why most pickles are prepared in oil and salt?
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Why pickles do not spoil but sambar gets spoil?

Pickles are usually made with a lot of vinegar, oil or salt. Any one of these will act as a preservative.

Pickles do not spoil but sambar gets spoil why?

Pickles are usually made with a lot of vinegar, oil or salt. Any one of these will act as a preservative.

Why do pickles do not spoil why sambar gets spoils?

Pickles are usually made with a lot of vinegar, oil or salt. Any one of these will act as a preservative.

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Are pickles fruit?

No, pickles are not fruit they are actually cucumbers (a vegtable) that have been soaked in vinigar and other things Pickling may well originate with the Roman practice of preserving food in sour wine, and refers to the method of preservation, not specifically to the items preserved, which might include fruit, vegetables, cheese or seafood. Indian pickles typically employ oil and salt as the preservation medium. Japanese pickles are more likely to employ brine. Most other parts of the world use vinegar as a preservative. NB: cucumbers are a fruit.Yes

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Why do pickles do not spoil but sambhar gets spoiled?

Because of preservation of salt

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What is the role of oil in indian pickles?

Oil plays a huge role in indian pickles as they help as a great preservent of your food. With the use of the oil, the pickle can be even kept for a year or so without worrying it would get rot.

How can you melt salt in oil?

you put the salt in the oil :)

Is oil and salt related?

no oil and salt is not related