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Q: Why is your right testicle as big as a grapefruit?
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What happen when one testicle have not decended in a12 years old?

Don't worry,naturally the right testicle is lower than the left one.No big deal.

How big is gods left testicle?

Think real hard and you will realize god isn't not real. I know, bummer right? Fools.

What could be the reason the the right testicle has a pulse?

As long as blood is pumping through the testicle then it should have a pulse, the left testicle should have a pulse too.

Do males only come from the right testicle?


How big do fantails get?

Softball/grapefruit size.

How big are a whales testicle's?

they are about the size of a car! lol not true

How big is a cherry?

a cherry is bigger because they are big and riped

Does your right testicle drop down when you have an std?


You can not attract your right testicle to upward but the left testicle is move and you feel lower sensation than left testicle is it a problem?

Any testicle problems should be taken to a doctor. There are many reasons for differences. See the link below.

What is right testicle for?

same as the left, making sperm and semen

Why doesnt my right ball work?

You may have an undescending testicle.

What is a small not on the right testicle?

Any bump or knot on the testicle need to be looked at by a doctor. Could be nothing, could be cancer. Go to the doctor, ASAP.