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My fan tail goldfish swims upside down or wedges itself under the filter when it's constipated. I feed her the inside of a frozen pea and soon she's swimming right side up again. == == Unless it is an up-side down catfish, a fish should not swim upside down. Fish who do swim upside down are sick. It could be a swim bladder problem, a bacterial infection, a fungal infection, or constipation. Do frequent large water changes, feed less, treat for bacteria and fungus. == == If your fish swims upside down it most likely has a swimbladder disorder/disease. This happens when the swim bladder, a gas filled organ that controls the fish's bouyancy by inflating or deflating, is unable to control itself and causes the fish to either stay at the bottom of the tank, float helplessly at the top, bob-around head first at the bottom, swim on its side, or swim upsidedown. A swimbladder problem can be caused by consipation, bacterial infection, poor water quality, physical damage to the swim bladder, or physical deformity of the swim bladder. This condition is sometimes hard to treat because its often hard to diagnose the cause before its to late. The first step to take with a fish that has a swim bladder disorder is to test the water quality of your tank. It is usually a good idea to move the affected fish into a 5-10 gallon hospital tank for observation/treatment to ensure that the other fish do not become sick also. A good first act of treatment for an unknown cause of a swim bladder disorder is to try feeding the fish a shelled thawed or cooked unsalted green pea (the green pea is a laxitive and will relieve your fishes swimbladder problem if it is constipated). If this does not help you may want to start the fish on a antibacterial medication. Do frequent water changes at this time because having good water quality will offer relief for the affected fish. Also lower the tanks levels so that is is about 1/2-2 inches above the fishes dorsal fin (this reduces pressure on the swim bladder causing the fish much relief).If the fish looks swollen that is often either the beginning stages of dropsy or a sign of constipation. If dropsy is suspected than you would want to start the fish on antibacterial medicated food soon! Often fish do not recover from a bacterial infection of the swim bladder. Bacterial infections will usually result in dropsy- which is terminal.

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15y ago
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13y ago

your fish is probably constipated. you need to starve him/her for about 2 days and then feed them ground up peas out of the shells. epsom salts also act as a laxative so you could put some in the water. i dont know how much though so check that up. it can be a genetic thing as well but its basically not a good sign, i had a fish like this and he died about a day after swimming upside down constantly.

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6y ago

they are dead. sorry if that happened to you

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15y ago

It is probably dead

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12y ago

I think it might be dead:(

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Q: Why does your fish float upside down upwards?
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If your fish is upside down, chances are that it has a swim bladder problem - you should research things to try, but it cannot always be cured.

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