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The answer to this question is an interesting bit of tomato trivia. Technically a tomato is a fruit, since it is the ripened ovary of a plant. But in 1893 the supreme court ruled in the case of "NIX v. HEDDEN" tomatoes were to be considered vegetables.If you find this hard to believe here is a link to take you to the court ruling..

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16y ago
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14y ago

From the plant-science point of view it is a fruit because it develops from the flowers, and contains the seeds for the next generation of the plant. From the mealtime point of view it is a vegetable, because it is not sweet, and we eat it with the main course or salad, not as a dessert.

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13y ago

It is not a vegetable, it is a Fruit...............

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14y ago

No. It seems like it is a vegetable, but it is not.

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14y ago

Well, a tomato has to much natural sugar and calcium to be a veggie.

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14y ago

Tomatoes are Fruits

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Q: Why are tomatoes considered vegetables?
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You can do. It depends on what kind of salad you are making; e.g a Waldorf salad would not require tomatoes.

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Tomatoes are fruit. Courgettes are vegetables. Fruits are classified as juicy and containing seeds, both of which tomatoes have.

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No. tomatoes can be considered to be both fruits and vegetable (they are generally referred to as vegetables in cook books and grocery stores), but definitely not dairy products.

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Should tomato's be a vegetable?

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