

Why is it called chocolate?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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7y ago

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The word Chocolate is from the Mexican word xocolatl.
Chocolate has a perfect explaination for its name. Chocolate is made from choco beans froma choco tree in Africa.
When the finder of the cacaobean, he made a drink of it. he called it chocolat, which means bitter water (because coco itself has no sugar) so "chocolate" was derived from "chocolat"
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15y ago

The word "chocolate" comes from the Aztecs of Mexico, and is derived from the Nahuatl word xocolatl. which is a combination of the words, xocolli, meaning "bitter", and atl, which is "water". The Aztecs associated chocolate with Xochiquetzal, the goddess of fertility. Chocolate is also associated with the Maya god of fertility. Mexican Philogist Ignacio Davila Garibi proposed that "Spaniards had coined the word by taking the Maya word chocol and then replacing the Mayan term for water, haa, with the Aztec term, atl." However, it is more likely that the Aztecs themselves coined the term, having long adopted into Nahuatl the Mayan word for the "cacao" bean; the Spanish had little contact with the Maya before Cortes' early reports to the Spanish King of the beverage known as xocolatl William Bright noted that the word xocoatldoes not occur in early spanish or Nahuatl colonial sources.

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