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Q: Why is calcium phosphate in oreo's?
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What is the formula formed when calcium combines with phosphate?

When calcium combines with phosphate, it forms calcium phosphate. The chemical formula for calcium phosphate is Ca3(PO4)2.

What are the constituent elements of calcium phosphate?

Calcium phosphate is composed of calcium and phosphate ions. The ratio of these ions can vary, leading to different types of calcium phosphate compounds such as hydroxyapatite and tricalcium phosphate.

What is the category of calcium phosphate?

Calcium phosphate is a salt, an inorganic compound.

Is calcium phosphate solid or aqueous?

Calcium phosphate is solid.

What is calcium phosphate?

Calcium phosphate is the main mineral from which bone is comprised.

Is calcium phosphate an element or compound or mixture?

Calcium phosphate is a compound composed of calcium cations and phosphate anions. It is not an element, as elements are composed of only one type of atom.

Do skeletal muscles contain calcium phosphate?

No. Skeletal muscles contain creatine phosphate, not calcium phosphate. Unless a person has a disease, free or calcium phosphate would not be found in muscle tissue. Calcium phosphate is found in bones and teeth.

Is calcium phosphate living or non living?

Calcium phosphate is an inorganic compound.

What substances are responsible for the strength of bones?

Collagen and Calcium phosphate

What color is calcium phosphate?

Calcium phosphate is typically white in color.

What is the formula for the compound made from calcium and mono hydrogen phosphate ions?

The compound formed from calcium and mono hydrogen phosphate ions is calcium phosphate, with the chemical formula Ca3(PO4)2.

Is calcium phosphate a group of ions?

Calcium phosphate refers to a group of minerals composed of calcium cations and phosphate anions. These minerals are essential for the formation of bones and teeth in humans and animals.