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Ovens are rarely accurate. Try setting it 25 degrees hotter. Was the pan the right size? Smaller pan means a thicker cake that takes longer to bake.

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Q: Why is cake raw in the middle after baking designated time?
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What is the baking time for half sheet cake?

Well. If you made the half cake from a box then do and estimate for about half the time for a whole cake. I LOVE baking.

What does humectant do when baking cakes?

it retains moisture in your cake, so your cake will retain soft for longer time

What degree do you have to have on baking a cake?

Usually about 350. But the time varies depending on the ingredients and how big the cake is itself. :) Hope that helps!

When baking a cake from scratch in a disposable tin should you decrease the cooking time and by how much?

No, do not decrease the baking time when using a disposable tin. But as always, watch the cake and test for doneness when the edges pull away from the sides of the tin.

Can you bake a cake while baking a roast?

yes i do it all the time. it usually turns out delicious.

Cake baking time is 55 minutes but the cake is not done how much longer should it bake?

You should bake it for another 5-10 minutes

Can oven door be opened during baking a cake?

No you can not leave the oven door open when you are baking a cake because the cake batter uses the heat to rise and bake according to an accurate baking time and temperature. If you have the oven door open, you are allowing the heat to escape the oven causing inappropriate baking temperature and time. For example: If I am baking a cake that requires 20 minutes under 375 Fahrenheit degree. Leaving the oven open will cause the temperature to by an inaccurate 375 Fahrenheit degree causing the need to extend the regular 20 minute baking time because the batter wouldn't be fully baked. However, you can open the door to test the cake for doneness or other quick procedures. Just be gentle. Some types of cakes may fall if disturbed.

How can I find a cake recipe that everyone will love?

I believe any cake recipe calls for a moist cake. The moisture however is in the preparation and ingredients involced. That as well as cooking time, maybe try more egg, or less baking time.

How long does it take to bake a 9-inch cake?

Typically a cake in a 9 x 12 inch pan will take around 30-38 minutes to bake. Time will vary depending on the type of cake you are baking and how thick or dense the batter is. You can tell a cake is done baking by sticking a toothpick in the middle to see if it comes out clean of crumbs or with a small amount of crumbs. Also, you can tell if a cake is done baking if the edges of the cake are pulling away from the sides of the pan.

Why did your cake come out crumbly?

Angel food cake is very delicate. You cannot touch the cake, even one time, when you have your cake in the oven. If you do, it will fall every time. You cannot move it, touch it, prick it, or any form of movement near the oven when you are baking the cake. I have seen it every time. They are delicate and cannot be moved or touched during baking time.

What makes a pound cake dense?

Over mixing the batter tends to make the cake dry. Other reasons could be, too much flour, high oven temperature or baking time is too long.

What is the indian history of cake?

The Indian history of cake is that it has been with them since time immemorial. Baking for instance has always formed the innate part of some regional Indian cuisine.