Because the roots and trunk don't contain true wood tissue.
Bananas are herbsAlthough referred to as banana trees, they are not trees at all but a perennial herb. Its trunk is not a true one, but many leaves tightly wrapped around a single stem which emerges at the top as the fruit-bearing flower stalk.The fruit fingers grow in clumps known as hands,since they resemble a hand with fingers. The entire stalk, known as a bunch, takes up to a year for the fruit to ripen enough to be harvested. The original stem dies after producing fruit, but sideshoots rise from the same underground corm to produce a new plant to be harvested the following year. The fruit itself is sterile, unable to produce a plant from the miniscule dark seeds within.
Some banana trees continue producing up to one hundred years, although most banana plantations renew their stock every ten to twenty-five years.
The banana plant belongs to the grasses family.
A banana grows on a plant called a banana tree
a banana tree looks like a palm tree and the banana is harvest when the banana has turned from green to yellow from Rebecca aged 11
There is no banana tree
A banana is not a tree but a herb. The banana leaves are bigger than the horse chestnut leaves.
The scientific name of the banana tree is Musa Acuminata.
Yes, the banana flower is the second biggest tree.
banana is a herb not a tree.
A banana is a fruit of a tree.
The duration of Ghost Banana Tree is 2 hours.
The banana is the fruit of the banana tree of which there are several species.
a banana
can be up to 25 years (a banana is not a tree, it is a herbaceous plant)