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he is eating it now he is finishing eat the chocolate. also,if you see the spongebob episode and type in Chocolate SpongeBob SquarePants you may see the episode of the chocolate episode of spongebob squarepants

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Q: Why is Diego eating chocolate?
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Does eating chocolate increases weight?

well chocolate increases your weight because chocolate has calories and when you are eating the chocolate the calories of the chocolate go in your body.TALK TO YOUR DOCTOR

Is it possible to catch BV from eating chocolate?

It is not possible to catch BV from eating chocolate.

Where in San Diego can I rent a chocolate fountain that will serve 100 people for four hours?

You can rent a long lasting chocolate fountain at several places in San Diego. Her are some of the places. Raphael's Party Rentals,Proof of the Pudding,Le Chocolate Fountain, and The San Diego Chocolate Guy.

Where was milk chocolate invented?

San Diego

What is chocolate for?


Can you get spots from chocolate?

NO! you can't get spots from eating chocolate.

Is eating Chocolate ruin your vocal cords when you are singing?

Eating chocolate is known for stressing or hurting your vocal cords.

What is Love 4 chocolate?

If you have a love for chocolate it means that you like eating chocolate very much. You crave it and love eating it. - Maybe it's your favourite food! Lots of people have a love for chocolate. It literally means you love chocolate!

Is it bad to work out after eating chocolate?


Why do you get anoying and sore symptoms when you eat chocolate?

sounds to me like you are allergic to chocolate. stop eating chocolate

Can bunnies die by eating chocolate?

Yes, no animals are allowed to have chocolate or they will die

How do you get more energytic?

by eating sweets and chocolate