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Hazrat Ayesha is ranked among the prominent companions of the Holy Prophet (p.b.u.h). She had deep knowledge of Islam and was consulted on different religious problems even during the days of first three khalifas .

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Q: Why hazrat Ayesha holds special place among the wives of Holy prophet?
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In the holy quran Allah says that all the prophet's wives are the mother of momineen then why shia insulting Bibi Ayesha?

There is no relaxation from Allah to insult His people ,especially the greatest among all example Hazrat Ayesha. Shia as a whole sector in Islam does not insult Hazrat Ayesha,for there lies the great punishments for those who do, in hell.

What is known of Hazarat Ayesha among wives of Prophet Muhammad?

The mother of the Momineen, Hazrat Ayesha (RAU) was the most beloved wife of our beloved Prophet (May peace be upon him). She was the only Virgin wife of the beloved Prophet (May peace be upon him). She was the daughter of Hazrat Abu Bakar (RUA), the most trusted friend of the beloved Prophet (May peace be upon him). It was the wish of Hazrat Abu Bakar to offer his young daughter to the beloved Prophet (May peace be upon him) in his wedlock. There are many sayings of the beloved Prophet (May peace be upon him) showing his love for Hazrat Ayesha (May Allah Karim be pleased with her.) During the last days of his life our beloved Prophet (May peace be upon him) stayed with her. He passed away in the house (Hujra) of this beloved mother of the Muslims and is buried there.

Who passed away after the death of the holy prophet?

Perhaps you mean who among the relatives of the holy Prophet (SAW). It was his dearest daughter Hazrat Bibi Fatima (RAU) who passed away about six months after his death.

What was the importance of hazrat hafsa in Islam?

Hazart Hafsa narrated 60 Ahadeeth that she heard from her husband Prophet may Allah be pleased with him and her father Hazrat Umer 'r.a. She had a very deep rooted understanding of the Deen and her thirst for Knowledge ranks second to Hazrat Ayesha Mother of the faithful. She spent much of her time reading and writing. As a result she became a teacher, guide and an authority on complicated matters. Once The Holy Prophet peace be upon him said," I hope that the companions who participated in Badr and Hudaibiya will not enter Jahanum." Hazrat Hafsa argued that Allah s.w.s. has said," There is no one among you who does not have to arrive at it(Jahanum). (19:71) Prophet peace be upon him said," Yes, but it has also been said that WE will save those who feared Allah. and will leave the wrong doers in, fallen on their knees."(19:72)Hazrat Hafsa was in the custodianship of the original copy of the Holy Qur'an which was compiled by Zaid bin Sabit 'r.aunder the orders of Hazrat Abu Bakr Siddeeq.

What was the name of prophet nuh son who was among unbelievers?

Canaan (was Hazrat Nu's son who) had refused to obey his father during the storm and ended up drowning. He was an unbeliever.

Who took care of the Holy prophet in infancy and as a young boy?

Hazrat Bibi Haleema Saidia took care of the holy Prophet (SAW) during his infancy and as a young boy. It was a custom among the elite of Makka in those days.

Who practiced medicine among the mother of the faithful?

Ayesha (ra)

How can you have difference among rasool nabi and peghamber?

What is the difference between Rasool and Nabi ?After knowing the terminological meanings of Rasul and Nabi, it is also important to understand the difference of these two great positions.The Quran has used both the words, Nabi and Rasul, which shows that there were two kinds of messengers.Some of the messengers were Nabi only.Some messengers were both Nabi and Rasool.The difference between Rasul and Nabi is that,A Rasul was a messenger of Allah who was given a new Shariat (codes of law) from Him. And a Nabi was also the messenger of Allah, but he was not given any new Shariat and followed the shariat of earlier Rasul. Sheikh Mufid, a great scholar of Islam writes in his book, Awa'il al-Maqalat, "every messenger is a prophet [Nabi], but not every Prophet is a Rasul [Apostle]. All Rasules were Nabi but all Nabis were not Rasuls.A Prophet is always a Nabi by birth, but a prophet become Rasul when he officially receives the post and declares it. For example, our Prophet Muhammad (sws) was Nabi by birth, but became Rasul when he officially got and delivered the message of Risalat at the age of 40.The Rasul [Apostle] receives the message from Allah Taala in many different manners such as, vision during sleep, direct communication with angels when he is awake. i.e., he can see and speak to the angels during communication of Divine message. But the Nabi [prophet] differs from the Rasul in that he does not see the angels whenawake but sees during sleep.The Rasul is higher in rank than a Nabi.Out of 25 Prophets mentioned in the Holy Quran, or among 124000 Nabis, Five were Rasul, and are called Ulu l-azm prophets, meaning those who possess a quality of determination and firmness.The five Rasuls and Ulul-azm Prophets are:1 - Hazrat Nooh (as)2 - Hazrat Ibrahim (as)3 - Hazrat Musa (as)4 - Hazrat Isa (as)5 - Hazrat Muhammad (sws)Prophet Nooh(as) was given a Shari'ah which was followed by other prophets up to the time of Hazrat Ibrahim(as).Prophet Ibrahim(as) was given a Shari'ah which remained in force up to the time of Hazrat Musa. i.e., Hazrat Yaqub, Hazrat Lut, Hazrat Yousuf (as) etc. followed the Shariat of Ibrahim.Prophet Musa(as) was given a new Shari'ah which was followed by all the prophets of Bani Israel until the time of Hazrat Isa (as).Prophet Isa (as) was given a new Shariat which remained in force upto the time of the Holy Prophet.Prophet Muhammad (sws) was given the last and the most perfect Shariat which will remain in force up to the last working day of the world.The Shariat -e- Muhammadi can never be changed as Prophet Muhammed (sws) is the last prophet and no prophet will come after him. Our Prophet, Hazrat Muhammad (sws) has the highest position and rank among all the Prophets.

How old was the Prophet Muhammad when he saw Jibril?

The Prophet Muhammad was around 40 years old when the angel appeared to him All the Prophets (May peace be upon them all) were chosen ones. They were destined to be prophets. The last Prophet of Islam, Hazrat Muhammad SAW was a Prophet even before his coming to this world. However, he was ordained by Almighty Allah to start preaching His message when he was about 40 years of age. Only one Prophet, Hazrat Jesus Christ (May peace be upon him) announced to the people at his birth that he was a prophet to prove to the people the innocence of his mother, Hazrat Maryam (AS), as his birth was an unusual miracle. The other prophets lived a normal life among the people and at a ripe age started preaching the message of Almighty Allah.

Was Muhammad a Muslim?

Muhammad was originally a pagan, although his cousin was a Christian. Depending on one's belief, he became a Muslim when called by God and the angel Gabriel, or when he originated the Muslim religion.AnswerProphet Muhammad ibn Abdallah ibn Abdul Muttalib (Peace Be Upon Him) was indeed a Muslim even before becoming the Final Prophet of ALLAH (swt). This also applies to all Prophets before him and those followers who gave their allegiance to Prophets of the time.There have been about 1,24,000 Prophets (May peace be upon them all). Hazrat Adam (AS) being the first human being and the first Prophet of Islam. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was the last Prophet. In between came all others like Hazrat Noah (AS), Hazrat Abraham (AS), Hazrat Moses (AS) Hazrat David (AS), Hazrat Jesus Christ (AS). They were al Muslms. they had surrendered themselves unconditionally to the Will of Almighty God. As Hazrat Abraham (AS) was the First Muslim and his followers followed him. Similarly Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was the First Muslim and Hazrat Abu Bakr (RAU) and Hazrat Ali (RAU) and others followed him. All the Prophets (MPBUT) were the First Muslims among their followers as the message of Almighty God was fist revealed to them.

Who is the best man ever among God's creatures?

Hazrat Muhommad (S.A.W)

How did the issue of heredity cause a division of Islam into Sunni and Shiite Muslims?

During the last years of the third Rightful Caliph Hazrat Usman Ghani (RAU), a hypocrate newly converted 'Muslim', Abdullah Bin Saba started attributing godly qualities to Hazrat Ali (RAU). He propagated that Hazrat Ali (RAU) deserved the Caliphate. It is interesting to note that Hazrat Ali (RAU) had been the active advisor to Hazrat Abu Bakr (RAU), Hazrat Umar (RAU) and Hazrat Usman (RAU), rather he was one of the six honorable Companions nominated by Hazrat Umar (RAU) just before his death, who were assigned the task of selecting the next caliph from among themselves. The ruthless murder of Hazrat Usman (RAU), the rebels responsible for this murder being in the force of Hazrat Ali (RAU), the battles between Hazrat Ali (RAU) and Hazrat Amir Mua'wiya (RAU), Hazrat Hasan's peace treaty with Hazrat Muawiya (RAU), accepting him the rightful Caliph by Hazrat Hasan (RAU). and finally the gruesome killing of the beloved family of our beloved Prophet (SAW) at karbala were the unfortunate incidents which culminated in the split of the Muslims into Shia and Sunni sects.