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It is called convergent evolution. When two different animals have to adapt to the same environment (both whales and fish have to adapt to marine environments) evolution will make them start to look similar, even though they will still retain fundamental differences. For example, whales are mammals, and fish are... fish

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Q: Why has evolution made whales look similar to fish?
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Why do organism not closely related sometimes look similar?

Convergent Evolution is the reason. :)

How many whales eat fish?

Whales of different kinds eat fish because they just scoop a big amount of the plants and animals. Under research a whale do not look for food they scoop anything.

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Maybe you mean whale sharks, with no e in sharks. If so, whale sharks are the biggest type of fish, let alone shark. They have huge mouths, like whales. They actually look a little like whales, which is where they got their name. They are not, however, whales. Whales are mammals, not fish.

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On the outside, the fins of a whale resemble the fins of a fish, because they have evolved for the same purpose. But when you look at a whale skeleton, the fins look like arms and hands. That's because whales are not fish, they are actually mammals that have evolved from land-dwelling creatures with four legs.

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Assuming you mean "roe", as in fish eggs, whales don't produce roe (eggs) but give live birth to their young>

Are haddock and cod the same fish?

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What does a marine biologist look for?

well they look/study underwater animals such as sea turtles,fish,crabs,lobster,whales,sharks,etc

What are consumers in the ocean?

Look people you can't depend on to answer your questions. look it up yourselves you lazy people. jeez

What does the sprat fish look like?

Uncooked sprat fish look very similar to white bait but larger in size, Ive seen baby sprats in the supermarket which were also very small and look very similar to white bait.

What is the realtion between a dolphin and a shark?

In actuality, dolphins and sharks aren't related at all. A shark is a fish, while a dolphin is a mammal. They look similar because of a phenomenon called convergence. Convergence is when two unrelated organisms evolve similar mechanisms to cope with the same environmental structure. This means that sharks and dolphins look the same because that form is the best form for an aquatic predator. For another example, look at the extinct ichthyosaurs. They may look like dolphins and fish, but they are actually repitles that evolved from a land-based ancestor. their fin bones

Why do fish have no teeth?

Some whales have teeth (e.g. killer whales) and others have baleen (e.g. blue whales). Baleen works as a filter that catches small organisms as the water passes through it. Generally the whale will take in a large volume of water, close its mouth and force the water back out of the mouth (passing it through the baleen). What remains are the organisms the whale uses as its food resource.