

Why duse oil and water not mix?

Updated: 11/10/2022
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14y ago

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Because water is heavier than oil.So oil is lighter and it floats above the water surface.That is why when there are oil spills, you can esily see oil float over water.

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Q: Why duse oil and water not mix?
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No we cannot mix water with oil.

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Oil will not mix with water.

In an oil spill why does the oil not mix with the sea water?

Oil does not mix with water, not even salty sea water.

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Oil can't mix with water.

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Oil can't mix with water.

What is the conclusion when you mix oil and water?

Oil and water do not mix because they have different polarities. The oil is non-polar, while water is polar, so they separate into distinct layers when mixed. This is due to the difference in their molecular structures and properties.

Oil and water mixing?

no oil and water do not mix

Other than density why can oil and water not mix?

oil and water never mix together. water is heavier than oil. so,oil float on the water.

Why does nt water and oil mix?

Water and oil does not mix because water is molecule and oil is made of hydrocarbon chains. Only molecule substances can mix with molecule solutes.

Do oil mix with water?

Water and olive oil are not miscible.

What is the variable in the project of what happens when oil mix with water?

The variable in the project of what happens when oil mixes with water could be the type of oil used, the temperature of the water, the ratio of oil to water, or the presence of an emulsifier. These variables can affect the emulsification process, the formation of microemulsions or macroemulsions, and the overall stability of the mixture.

What happens when you shake up oil and water?

Oil and water do not mix due to their different densities and polarities. When shaken together, the oil and water will temporarily mix and form small droplets of oil in the water, but they will quickly separate back into distinct layers due to their immiscibility.