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Q: Why does your tongue change colors when you eat Skittles?
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It can make your tongue change colors and if your eat enough it can make you sick!:)

Why are Skittles certain colors?

That is the flavors the man who invented skittles thought would be best. Also ths way you can tell which flavor your about to eat.

Do tongues change color everyday?

It depends on what you eat, but if you dont eat those candies that change the color of your tongue, then no. when was the last time your tongue was purple? YOU IDIOT!!!!!!!!!!!

Who can eat the most Skittles in under a minute?

I know i can eat 143 skittles in a minute but idk about enyone else

How do you get rid of Skittles?

eat the skittles u big fat dummies like my sister monica

Can you eat something to make your eyes change colors?

Eat some magic mushrooms. Then everything will change color.

What does a land developer do?

they eat lots of skittles

What does a land development engineer do?

they eat lots of skittles

Why should people eat Skittles?

Skittles should be eaten by people because they like them. They should not be eaten by those who don't.

Is it safe to eat Skittles when they are wet in the package?

depends, what are they wet from? If they are not wet from water, do not eat them.

What activities can you do in a tropical rainforest?

eat skittles, dance naked.

What do blue winged teal's eat?

people, babiesand and skittles