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Q: Why does your puffer fish lay on the bottom of tank and not eat?
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What other fish can live in the same tank with a puffer fish?

Well usually puffers are kept in species tanks but puffers can tolerate corys or smaller plecos but only with some puffers e.g amazon puffer or pygmy puffer or figure of 8 puffer wheras a congo puffer will eat pretty much any other fish in its tank .... Also puffers are fin nippers so no long fined fish or fantailed fish

Can other fish eat puffer fish?

No, Because most puffer fish has toxic.

What is daily life for a puffer fish?

puffer fish wake up hunt. Then eat the food. The puffer fish try not to get eaten. so if you like puffer fish or blow fish help them

What do puffer fish eat now?

Other fish

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puffer fish eat horse mussels

What do spotted green puffer fish eat?

Green spotted puffer fish eat ghost shrimp, guppies and TetraMin Topical Flakes.

Will a puffer fish eat a clown fish?

I know that puffer fish just are scared so they puff up to scare other fish away!But they are vegetarians and like to eat seaweed!

Will puffer fish eat tropical flakes?

Puffer fish will eat fins before anything. lol. they like bloodworm and more carnivorous foods.

Do puffer fish eat crayfish?

Yes they do eat Crayfish

What plantes do puffer fish like?

It depends on the Puffer. Some puffers (like the Green Spotted Puffer) are omnivorous and will eat any plants put in the tank. Other puffers, like the Dwarf Puffer need a very heavily planted tank to feel safe and secure. Puffers are happy as long as there is a lot of decor to explore and places to hide. -Hannah-