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Because of algae, which is a plant that grows from water you can either change the water, or just wipe the tank with a cloth or something like that.

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Q: Why does your fish tank go green each week?
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Yes, if you separate them for 1 week in a tank with a clear divider.

When can you clean a fish tank?

You should clean a fish tank regularly with water changes of at least 50% each week along with cleaning out any waste or uneaten food, and using an algae scrubber to clean the sides

How often should you wash a fish tank?

about once a week

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You really dont clean a fish but you clean the tank and you clean that about once a week or every other week and you feed a fish everyday

When is the best time to clean a fish tank?

The best time to clean a fish tank is time that is available to you every week for maintenance.It's a good idea to set aside time one day each week (preferably the same day so you never forget) to do at least a 50% water change, and to clean any debris or waste from the tank.

Is it okay for your fish if you change his tank every month?

Your fish will be much happier if you change at least 50% of the tank water every week.

Can you have a fish with no filter?

yes you can if you clean the tank properly every week

How should you clean the gravel in your fish tank?

Every week so your fish can feel like their at home.

When is a good time to clean a Bettas fish tank?

once or twice a week

Do goldfish need a water pump in the tank?

No they do not; having gravel or not is really the choice of the fish keeper as far as how they want the tank to look. You can certainly leave it bare bottomed as many goldfish keepers do to give the fish more swimming room and easier time cleaning the debris from the bottom of the tank each week.

What is a easy kind of pet fish for a very busy person?

Tropical fish and coldwater fish are easy to take care of if you have 30 to 45 minutes to devote each week. If you don't, than NO fish is good for you. Water testing, filter maintenance, and water changes take at least this much time each week, if not longer if you have a truly large tank that requires bigger water changes.