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Q: Why does the gummy bear decrease in size when put in salt water?
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What would happen if soaked a gummy bear in water?

The gummy bear would get smaller and shrink because the salt absorbs the water in the gummy bear

What is effects gummy bears in salt water plain water and no water?

salt has certain chemicals that preserve. if you ever ate salt you would know how it shirks your lips. now the salt shrinks the gummy bear by preserving it. plain water on the other hand destroys the gummy bear because it kills and sucks every think out of the gummy bear making it slimy. no water does nothing at all.

What would happen if a gummy bear soaked in salt water?

If you have already soaked it in tap or distilled water, It is very large. Soaking it in salt water will cause it to shrink because there is now a high percentage of water in it, And not a lot of salt. The salt from the water gets absorbed by the bear. Now, the water percentage has decreased, So it is not as large. However, the gummi bear will never change back into its origonal form. -Claire

Will a gummy bear shrink in salt water?

That sounds like an excellent science project question ... you should get a glass of salt water and put a gummy bear in it and see what happens!

Does a type of soda make a gummy bears bigger?

well it doesn't matter all you have to do is just put one gummy bear in tap water and another gummy bear in salt water and leave it out until they grow bigger but don't eat them because all the bacteria will be in the gummy bears

How much does a gummy bear weigh after sitting in salt water for a day and sitting in fresh water for a day?

15.8 ounces

What would happen if you took a gummy bear that was soaked in salt water and put it into distilled water?

It expands. Get bigger over a period of time.

What would happen to a gummy bear that was soaked in salt?

If you have already soaked it in tap or distilled water, It is very large. Soaking it in salt water will cause it to shrink because there is now a high percentage of water in it, And not a lot of salt. The salt from the water gets absorbed by the bear. Now, the water percentage has decreased, So it is not as large. However, the gummi bear will never change back into its origonal form. -Claire

What happens wen you put a gummy bear in water?

If you have already soaked it in tap or distilled water, it is very large. Soaking it in salt water will cause it to shrink because there is now a high percentage of water in it, and not a lot of salt. The salt from the water gets absorbed by the bear. Now, the water percentage has decreased, so it is not as large. However, the gummy bear will never change back into its original form.

What happens when you put a gummy bear in water?

the bear will expand due to osmosis which is the diffusion of water. because the bear is made up of glucose, salt, etc., the water in the cup surrounding it will move into the bear. because water moves from high concentration (cup of water) to low concentration (gummi bear), the bear collects a significant amount of water, causing it to become much larger in size. -imadancer.

What physical process makes salt decrease in salt water?

Adding more water will decrease the salt concentration.

Do gummy bears shrink when put in salt water?

No. They dissolve eventually.