

Why does sugar taste good?

Updated: 11/7/2022
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12y ago

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Sugar is sweet because it reacts with the parts of the tongue that senses sweetness, and it causes you brain to sense pleasure.

mainly because the sugar taste buds are st the tip of ur toungue and and it has good reaction to them

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Wiki User

12y ago
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Make stuff taste good! ;)

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I dont nessisarily think that sugar cane is good for you it might taste good but it is not healthy.

What is the purpose of sugar in cake?

Hey, Obviously it sweetens the cake and will make it taste a whole lot better!! Without the sugar the cake would be absolutely tasteless and bland! I always use sugar in baking! x

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the sugar is added to cakes to make it taste sweeter and let other things in cake feed on it.

How do you use in place of in a sentence?

If you use brown sugar in place of white sugar, the cookies will still taste good.

Do Fruit Roll Ups have sugar?

yes of course that's why they taste good