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It is made with carrageenan and when heated up it evaporates much quiker than the whole milk . It happens with Hot Chocolate too when you use soy milk instead of water.

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Q: Why does soy milk solidify when making tea?
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Why would anyone drink camomile tea with soy milk and stevia?

Soy Milk isn´t good for your health is not necessary do this, you can drink your tea with skim fat milk or non fat milk, but soy milk by studies doesn´t works well, and stevia well, try better brown sugar

What foods have got iron in?

coffee, tea, milk, and soy protein.

Does the order of putting the milk in when making a cup of tea matter?

It matters. Milk in first, then the tea

Can you use butter milk in a tea or coffee?

Yes. Soy milk is a substitute for milk and can be used in almost every application dairy products can be used in.

What are the three basic meals of the day?

Breakfast Dinner and Tea :)Oat, soy milk and/or textured soy, cabbage.

What are the ingredients for making tea?

sugar and water or just add milk

What is the answer to the tea and milk riddle?

Milk Tea

Are chai tea and thai tea the same thing?

Chai tea and Thai tea as we know it in America are most definitely not the same thing.Thai iced tea is a strong black tea sometimes spiced with anise that is served sweetened with evaporated milk. It is readily available at any Thai restaurant. Chai tea is redundant as chai is the word for tea in India and many parts of the world. Usually Americans are thinking of Masala Chai when they speak of "chai tea." Masala means spiced. When you go to a coffee shop and order a chai, you're usually served a pre-packaged sweetened spiced black tea blended with milk. When you buy "chai" tea bags in the grocery store you're buying black tea with spices and flavors added. However, if you want a cup of Masala Chai as it is served in India, you want assam tea steeped in milk with your choice of spice added. Traditionally either cardamom or fresh ginger is added to the tea before it is heated, and the tea is sweetened to taste by the consumer. If you're making Masala Chai at home you can experiment with your favorite combination of spices. (consider vanilla, cinnamon, fresh or ground ginger, black peppercorns, whole clove, star anise, nutmeg, and even coriander or allspice)I usually make my chai with soy milk and cardamom. I grind a few cardamom seeds with a pestle and mortar, add it to loose assam tea leaves in the bottom of a sauce pan. I cover the tea with water and bring to a boil, then I add soy (more soy milk than water) and continue to heat until it is steamy. If you're using regular milk you do not need to add water, just steep the tea leaves in simmering milk for a few minutes (3-5 min). Strain, serve, and sweeten to taste

What fruits can lactose intolerance people eat?

A guide to a healthy lactose free/low lactose eating planBreakfast:A bowl of high fibre cereal such as weetbix or porridge with fresh fruit and soy or low lactose milk (if tolerated ) and/or wholemeal or grain toast with milk free margarine e.g. Sundew and honey or vegemite. Tea or coffee with soy or low lactose milk.Lunch:Sandwiches made with wholemeal bread with lean beef, tinned fish such as salmon (include the bones for calcium) and salad. Milk free margarine if necessary. Tinned or fresh fruit. Water, tea, diluted juice or cappuccino made with soy milk.Main Meal:Water with lemon juice. Chicken and vegetable stir fry served with steamed rice. Fruit and Fruccio dairy free ice cream, or custard made on soy or low lactose milk.Snacks:Fresh fruit, crackers or microwaved pappadums with salsa, popcorn. Toasted fruit loaf with milk free margarine and. Water, juice, tea, coffee or hot chocolate made from cocoa and soy milk.

Does black tea cool more quickly than white tea or black tea with milk as it is often called?

Black tea will remain warmer than black tea with milk or white tea as the milk is added whilst it is still cold and so makes the black tea cooler as soon as the milk is added to it.

What riddle is good to use for coffee mugs for a kitchen tea?

Consider two identical cups, one half-full of tea, the other half-full of milk. You take a teaspoon of milk from the milk cup and put it in the tea cup. Then you take a spoonful out of the tea cup and put it in the milk cup. Now: is there more tea in the milk cup, or more milk in the tea cup?

Is soy latte or green tea healthier?

green tea i have done a study on this and green tea is much better for your health.