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The key word here is "solution". Solutions do not exhibit the Tyndall effect; if something does exhibit the Tyndall effect, that's a good indication that it is not a solution.

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What is the Tyndall effect of sugar solution?

The Tyndall effect is the scattering of light by particles in a colloid or fine suspension, making the beam of light visible. In a sugar solution, which is a true solution (not a colloid), the particles are too small to scatter light significantly, so the Tyndall effect is not observed.

Why do you use salt for gargle?

Sodium chloride solution has a bactericide effect.

How can the Tyndall effect to be used to distinguish between a colloid and a solution?

The Tyndall effect is specific for colloids, not for solutions.

Does a sugar solution show the Tyndall effect?

No, a sugar solution does not typically show the Tyndall effect. The Tyndall effect is the scattering of light by colloidal particles, but sugar molecules are generally too small to scatter light effectively.

Does a emulsion show the Tyndall effect?

Yes, an emulsion can exhibit the Tyndall effect. This occurs when light is scattered by particles in the emulsion, making the beam of light visible, especially when shone from the side. The Tyndall effect is a useful way to distinguish between a solution and a colloid like an emulsion.

A solution shows a Tyndall effect or soap shows Tyndall effect?

The Tyndall effect is the phenomenon where light is scattered by particles in a colloidal solution or suspension, making the beam visible. If a solution is showing the Tyndall effect, it indicates the presence of suspended particles that are large enough to scatter light. In the case of soap, the Tyndall effect may be observed when light is scattered by micelles or other structures in the soap that are similar in size to the wavelength of visible light.

Does salt solution show slow tyndall effect?

No, salt solution does not typically show the Tyndall effect because the particles in a salt solution are dissolved at the molecular level and are too small to scatter light significantly. The Tyndall effect is typically observed with colloidal solutions where the particles are larger and can scatter light.

Why is a solution of aluminum chlodie more acidic than sodium chloride?

An aluminum chloride solution is more acidic because when dissolved in water, aluminum chloride produces aluminum ions (Al3+) that hydrolyze to form hydrogen ions (H+), increasing the concentration of H+ ions in solution. This leads to a lower pH compared to a solution of sodium chloride where the sodium ions do not have a significant effect on the acidity of the solution.

How is the Tyndall effect dependent upon particle size?

The Tyndall effect is based on the scattering of light by particles in a colloidal solution. The larger the particles in the solution, the more pronounced the scattering of light will be, leading to a more noticeable Tyndall effect. Smaller particles have less pronounced scattering, making the effect less visible.

How can the Tyndall effect be used to distinguish between a colloid and a solution?

The Tyndall effect can be used to distinguish between a colloid and a solution by shining a light through the substance. In a colloid, the light will scatter due to the larger particles present, making the beam visible. In a solution, the light will pass straight through without scattering, making the beam less visible.

Is tyndall effect observed in true solution?

No, the Tyndall effect is not observed in true solutions. True solutions contain solute particles that are smaller than the wavelength of visible light, so they do not scatter light and appear transparent. The Tyndall effect is only observed in colloids or suspensions where the particles are larger and can scatter light, making the solution appear cloudy or opaque.

What is the tyndall effect used to distinguish between?

The Tyndall effect is used to distinguish between a solution and a colloid. In a solution, light passes through without scattering, while in a colloid, the dispersed particles cause light to scatter, making the beam visible.