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Q: Why does sodium chloride is not like the elements that form it?
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Why is sodium chloride not like the elements that form it?

elements are ...F*** OFF

Can sodium combine with other elements?

Yes, sodium can combine with other elements to form compounds. It is highly reactive and readily forms compounds with elements like chlorine (sodium chloride, table salt) and oxygen (sodium oxide).

Does sodium combine with another element to make another?

Yes, sodium can combine with other elements to form compounds. For example, sodium can react with chlorine to form sodium chloride (table salt). Sodium can also combine with elements like oxygen, sulfur, and hydrogen to form various compounds.

Elements can be chemically combined to form what like salt and sugar?

Sodium and chlorine combine to form salt (sodium chloride), and carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen combine to form sugar (sucrose).

Do the relative locations of the elements sodium chloride in the periodic table agree with the theoretical predictions about the kind of compound this compound should form?

Yes, the relative locations of sodium and chlorine in the periodic table agree with the theoretical prediction that sodium chloride would form because sodium is a Group 1 alkali metal and chlorine is a Group 17 halogen. Elements in these groups tend to form ionic compounds through the transfer of electrons, leading to the formation of salts like sodium chloride.

What elements fluorine and chlorine can form minerals in the?

Fluorine is commonly found in minerals such as fluorite (calcium fluoride) and cryolite (sodium aluminum fluoride). Chlorine can form minerals, but it is more commonly found in the form of salts like halite (sodium chloride) and sylvite (potassium chloride).

Which elements in the periodic table would sodium like to react with to form a new compound helium argon iron chlorine?

Sodium would like to react with chlorine, as it would form the stable compound sodium chloride (table salt). Sodium typically reacts with nonmetals like chlorine to achieve a stable electron configuration. Helium and argon are noble gases and are already stable, so sodium wouldn't typically react with them. Iron is a transition metal and is less likely to react with sodium to form a stable compound.

Why is sodium chloride not found in the periodic table?

Because sodium chloride (NaCl) contain in his structure two elements.

Does sodium and chlorine have the same or different reactivities?

Sodium and chlorine have different reactivities. Sodium is a highly reactive metal that readily forms compounds with other elements, while chlorine is a highly reactive nonmetal that easily reacts with other elements to form compounds like sodium chloride (table salt).

Which two elements combine to make a stable compound?

Elements combine to form stable compounds through chemical bonding, such as when sodium (Na) reacts with chlorine (Cl) to form stable sodium chloride (NaCl). Ionic compounds like NaCl often result from the combination of a metal and a non-metal element.

Why is an aqueous solution of sodium chloride not used to separate sodium from sodium chloride?

An aqueous solution of sodium chloride cannot be used to separate sodium from sodium chloride because both sodium and chloride ions are present in the solution. Sodium cannot be isolated from the solution without separate electrolysis techniques because it is also in the form of ions like chloride.

Salt is called sodium chloride by scientistswhy does it have this name?

Because pure sodium in it's basic form is actually a metal. Chemistry is a study of the Elements and how they form to make compounds. The elements are the basic chemicals and are found listed in a chemical chart. Before the chemicals were discovered and understood and then named, people gave them simple or everyday names like "salt", "vinegar" and other type names. Salt is made from Sodium (Na) and Chloride(Cl) and the resulting compound has the chemical formula NaCl and name sodium chloride. Go to the library and check out a book on Chemistry.