If pepaya have a small seed if mango have a big seed
cuz they got big feet
A Mango feels smooth soft taste great like eating fruit expect there's like skin that stays on and there's a big seed well from a mango that i have had it has a big seed and left over skin on it but other than that a Mango is soft and smooth
The mango is dispersed by animals eating the fruit(mango) and not eating the indigestible big seed,thus leaving it some where on the ground for it to grow.
the part of the mango seed are seed coat protect the the food.hilum ,radicle.
All of it apart from the skin and the big seed.
papaya, also called papaw
Mango seeds are found inside mango fruit. Lemon seeds are found inside lemons.
mango tree
single seed- Mango multi seed- tomato