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Because of the rennet in your stomach.

Rennet is an extract found in the stomachs of all mammals. This extract contains a number of enzymes which are designed to help these animals digest their mother's milk, and when added to milk, rennet will cause the milk to coagulate, forming curds and whey.

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11y ago

Lactase is the enzyme that metabolizes lactose into glucose and galactose. Most mammals stop producing lactase after weaning. An estimated 75% of human adults worldwide show a decrease in lactase production during adulthood, including 5% of northern Europeans, 71% of Sicilians, and more than 90% of some African and Asian populations. Therefore, the majority of adults are unable to fully digest lactose, a sugar found in milk and other dairy products. For them, consuming dairy products causes symptoms such as abdominal bloating and cramps, flatulence, diarrhea, nausea, rumbling stomach, or vomiting, and may be a significant cause of irritable bowel syndrome. People in northern Europe probably retained the ability to produce lactase into adulthood through natural selection. Crop failures during ice ages caused people to turn to the unnatural act of drinking the milk of other animals to survive. The humans who were able to tolerate this without vomiting survived and reproduced, passing on their mutation to their children.

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12y ago

When milk curdles, it turns into cheese. Different types of milk and adding different spices and such to the milk before/after you curdle it gives you different types of cheese.

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I't dosn't,unless your lactose intolerant.

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No chameleons are insectivores and don't drink milk.

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If you begin having an upset stomach after drinking milk, then it is possible that you are lactose intolerant. You may need to switch to a different type of milk such as a lactate free milk.

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you would get a stomach ach

Is drinking lots of milk okay?

Hopefully, because I can drink up to 2 gallons a week. Pasteurized milk is very safe and has a number of vital nutrients. The only limit to the amount of milk you can drink is how long it takes to get a stomach ache from drinking too much at one time - milk has a basic pH and it neutralizes your acidic stomach, which often causes a stomach ache.

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No There are some studies that suggest adding milk to tea reduces the effect the tannins have on the stomach.

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Drinking dairy milk may temporarily relieve some of the discomfort of heartburn, but will cause the stomach to produce more acid and can make the heartburn worse. Drink water.

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Eating or drinking to much of most anything can make you fat.

Can rotten milk hurt you?

If you eat it, it sure can. The very least, you would be sick enough to wish you died.